ESCAPE! Videos #10

I’m going to try a new format this morning, where I just say whatever I want to say, and at the same time, run a few interesting and possibly funny videos past you, to take off some of the sting — but you need to know what’s going on, even while you’re laughing out loud.

So … Here we are, exactly one week away from the midterms, and there is no good news ahead — it’s all bad, starting with the loss of democracy and the annihilation of the vote, but wait! You can still have a few laughs before they come to get you, and here’s one of them:

The Purges have begun. When Trump is placed back in office — and he will be — everyone who has EVER been even SLIGHTLY critical of Trump will be rounded up and taken to the wall, and I don’t mean the wall that the Mexicans were supposed to pay for.

I’ll definitely be among the first against the wall, for a variety of offenses including my political humor book, “Trump is a Four-Letter Word”, and my Protest Songbook, Protest CD album, protest cartoons and videos and, of course, my 18 newly released video games that make fun of Trump and the allies he rode in on.

I’ll go down singing — along with Joan Baez for her song, “Nasty Man” — and I’ve no doubt that John Lithgow will be taken away kicking and screaming for having written and published the book, “Dumpty”, a New York Times Bestseller. “Dumpty” is funny as hell, but it would be a whole hell of a lot funnier, were it not describing a fascist Amerikan dictatorship created by the Senators from Hell.

I eagerly await the latest Randy Rainbow video, but I know that only the victims are watching, and the victimizers never change their habits, particularly as a result of seeing a comedy routine about them on some viral youtube video.

Will the victimizers be stopped? Yes, they will. I have it on good authority that eventually, they WILL be stopped, but the key word there is “eventually”.

Don’t hold your breath.

Meanwhile, I’ll be writing funny songs and parodies about the assholes who are so intent on flushing their own country right down the drain. Not my problem, folks, nothing to see here, keep moving, keep moving.

But you already know what’s coming, and it’s all been written very clearly in the history books I studied back home in the 37th century, just before coming here to the 21st century to complete my high school history project and bring it back to the 37th century, kind of like Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, except I don’t have the luxury of Socrates and Billy the Kid instantly understanding modern Amerikan English.

Of course, I’m not suffering in there with you. I’m really standing just outside this SIM called “Planet Earth”.

I have to admit, it seems so real, and so terribly immersive, at least while we’ve got our foreheads stuck to the SIM globe INPUT modules, the rough equivalent of a pair of ear buds.

One of the reasons I’m not terribly inconvenienced by being wiped off the map by the occasional passing baboon is that I can easily respawn without pain, no hassles for me.

So am I leaving?

No, at the age of 81, there’s no chance I’d survive a transplant to another country, but it’s sure tempting, and in fact it may become inevitable when the roundups begin, which will be in a VERY short time, possibly only a matter of weeks or months before Jews are taken away to the gas chambers, once again.

You think I’m exaggerating? I wish I were. I’d like to think that the guys who guard the bigwigs are clean, but I really can’t say — I don’t know, and would never employ my remote reading skills to find out.

To any telepath or psychic sensitive, privacy is a major issue, and any remote reader would respect the privacy of another, unless they’re a target and the reader is in some sort of agency, which kind of changes the equation, doesn’t it?

I’d like to call attention to something I actually learned while coaching Ethics for the California Bar — several attorneys owe their passage to my coaching. I’m especially hip on Title 18 and probable causes of action, mostly because I was a lawyer back in the days of Hammurabi, where you had to memorize all the rules because the only code was carved into a big brick. These days, my main lecture is “How to Nail Somebody on Simple Felony Conspiracy to Commit a Misdemeanor”.

Is there a chance Trump will lose the election? I’ll quote what I said back in 2017, in my blog —

“Even if Trump loses badly, he doesn’t ever intend to give up power — he has his own army, and he’ll use it on the Eve of the Election, if he follows the same Hitler Playbook that he’s been using.”

Note that Hitler staged a failed coup and then came into power — it’s an old story made new again by the presence of cell phones and body armor.

Hey, like I told you before — I have no feelings one way or the other about Trump — he’s just another greedy bastard who happens to need billions of dollars more, and he needs to take control of others, so he can order his generals to order his soldiers to open fire on the  people who need to be killed. This saves having to shoot them on Fifth Avenue with his own gun.

I wrote “SlimeWars” 50 years ago, predicting all of this, but nobody believed it then, and it’s far too late now that you can see it coming down the pike right before your very eyes. It’s not too late to order a copy online, but you might not have time enough to read it before the whole thing goes up in smoke.

If you haven’t already escaped from Planet Trump, forget it — there’s no way out now — the borders will soon be closed, and if you try to leave, you’ll be stripped of all your possessions and sent nude to the showers “for de-lousing”.

I can tell you right now, don’t expect a shower. It’s actually an airtight gas chamber that’s awaiting you — that’s a piece of wood in your hand, painted to resemble a soap bar.

Don’t worry, there’s another much more interesting and fulfilling life up ahead of you on the other side of the curtain of death, but do be careful on the sharp switchback turns that happen when you first hit the Bardo and don’t know what to do.

Like yourself, I’m trying my level best to earn a living while all this shit is coming down, but it’s getting more and more tense all the time out there, and people are scared and angry, and that’s not a good time to sell, buy, trade or do anything but hide out and send out for food and medicines as needed.

The real danger is not so much from the government, at least until Trump takes control — it’s the mobs that pose the real threat. Once the trucking and shipping and rail strikes and water panics and food riots hit, you’d better have your own source of food and water for at least three years, and I’m not kidding. At least three years before things settle down enough to trade chocolates for bread and water.

You might have some sustainable seeds, but most will not produce more than one crop, and food will be a problem, along with climate — intense heat, deep penetrating cold coming down from the arctic, and huge melts along the coast of Antarctica.

There’s more, but I don’t want to bring you down.

See You At The Top!!!
