
Forry Ackerman had a number of girlfriends, amongst whom was a 60 year
young chick with huge boobs named Elvira — no, wait a minute … she was
named Elvira — I don’t know what her boobs were named.


Here’s what she was like off-camera, in a prop malfunction video:

Elvira was the ultimate in self-esteem put-ons. Here’s a hell of an ending to

a helluva Flash Dance:


She has gone the way of all flesh, leaving the field to Jennifer Aniston and
her cronies, who will, in their turn, give way to younger fleshpots of the
American Celebrity Cult.

So, here’s to Elvira — I knew her simply as “Forry’s girlfriend”, but she was
much, much more than that. Her brand of dark self-deprecating humor
came straight out of the same bottle that fed Charles Addams.

What I’ve shown is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a longer story behind
this, involving several other of Forry’s girlfriends…one of whom was
Vampira, who started the whole thing off in the first place…or were there
earlier nightcrawlers with midnight movie madness??? Of course there
were…but you short-lived living creatures of the day w…w…w…wouldn’t
remember that far back … heh heh heh!!! owoooooooooooooooooooo!
