Dumbbells or Fast Draw???


EJ Gold -Army Security Agency 1963

As many of you know, I learned my gun-spinning and fast-draw from Sammy Davis, Jr. and Jerry Lewis when I was under contract to Universal Studios; I also worked at several studios as a coach and technical adviser, as well as unit manager and continuity.

I taught hundreds of Hollywood stars how to use weapons of varying kinds from Medieval to modern — how to flip them, spin them, shoot them and do things with them — sometimes even cross-draw them; this was especially inventive and unusual on Sam Rolfe’s Arena Productions hit, Man From U.N.C.L.E.; I had great times there with my friend David Mc Callum, (I was there at the invitation of Harlan Ellison, who by this time disavowed any connection with the highly commercialized broadcast version of the series) and David was already very adept with weapons handling — Robert Culp, on our competition’s show I Spy, was legendary in Hollywood as a gun-spinning maniac, what you’d call today “Awesome”, although I normally reserve that phrase for something involving the collision of at least two galaxies.

It was back then that I discovered that I could motivate men who were NOT in show business, who DIDN’T depend on their appearance and general well-being to keep their jobs. Women know that if they don’t look good on the job, depending on their boss’s attitudes whether conscious or deeply rooted in the subconscious, their job could well be in jeopardy.

Men don’t sweat it off unless they are deeply motivated; usually it’s sexual, but it can also be medical necessity, but frankly, we all know that even under extreme duress, it’s hard to move a male humanoid off a couch, and even harder if there’s a giant plasma screen stuck onto the wall in front of it. (It, referring to the male humanoid or the couch, as you prefer.)

Okay, so we put a gun in his hand and teach him to show off with it. Next visit of grandkids, he does a bit of crude beginner-level twirling, and the kids go nuts, yahooing and applauding and cheering!!! And that’s how we motivate grandpa to work out with weights.

Tell the truth: which would you be more likely to work out with every day without fail?

Dumbbells… (just watch the first minute or so; you don’t have to labor through the whole thing…)

Or fast-draw??? — This you might enjoy enough to watch all the way through:


Afraid you won’t be fast enough on the draw, won’t be able to master those flat-spins and underhand passes??? Don’t fret, bunkie, help is on da way. Take a good look at my E.J. Gold’s Hollywood Fast-Draw Workout and you’ll see that there’s NOTHING in it that YOU can’t do, right now, today!!!

Exercise is all about MOTIVATION, folks. You want to get a guy to do daily cardio-vascular workouts for a guaranteed 20 minutes every single day without fail, you have to MOTIVATE him, and that means give him something he’ll really enjoy excelling at, and he can show his skills at barbecues, pool parties and just about anywhere you can carry a gun!

There’s nothing like HISTORY and SIGNIFICANCE and SHOWING OFF to motivate a guy to master something, and there’s nothing quite like Fast-Draw and Gun Spinning to wow a crowd! The Wild West is in our bones for two important reasons; one is that it’s part of our history — meaning world history as well as U.S. history. The second is that, like it or not, willingly or not, remember it or not, YOU WERE THERE!

If you’re reading this, you responded to a special Quantum Magnet Energetic encoded into this posting. You were around back in 1887-88 when The Bad Thing happened; we died once again, some of us in a group behind a barn, others individually through accident, illness, old age or range-war. Using my Hollywood Fast-Draw Workout with Time Triggers, you’ll relive those Magic Moments. Well, you’ll be able to remember at least ONE of many past lives; if not the whole life, the Bad Thing when your draw slowed down just a wee too much to let you live past that Last Gunfight at the Circle B corral.

If Jazzercise was this much fun for EVERYONE, you’d see more MEN doing it!!! Motivation is 99% of the battle! Women don’t need motivation to work out — they need to look good, it’s required by our culture. Men can go totally overboard without worry about dating — they can always rent.

So try my Fat Burner Six-Gun Fast Draw Beginner Course — not only will you have fun sloughing off a few extra pounds in just a few days, but you’ll be able to beat yourself to the draw in no time flat!

You’re invited to a FREE introductory E.J. Gold Hollywood Fast-Draw Six-Gun Workout with one of my E.J. Gold Hollywood Fast-Draw Workout Trainers.