Why Are All the Orbs the Same???

Why are all the Orbs the same, you ask?

They aren’t. There are subtle differences, and sometimes quite radical variations, between each and every Orb. No two are exactly alike, and therein you can see the seed of your Deliverance. The biggest problem with telling parallel worlds apart is that they are so darn similar that they’re, well … downright parallel.

There’s an old scientific adage that you can’t measure a yardstick by itself. That’s equally true with a ruler. What happens when you try to apply a unit of measure from one universe to another without being able to actually carry the original yardstick or ruler from one universe to the other, the relationship is uncertain. It may fail, it may not, but one can never be sure of the accuracy of the measurement.

After just a short number of Jaunting Experiences, you’ll find that you sort of lose track of the meaning of the phrase “one foot” or “one kilometer”. Scale blurs in the cross-dimensional voyaging experience; it just doesn’t mean the same thing anymore, and many things that used to mean something don’t mean anything at all, in the face of trans-dimensional travel.

That doesn’t mean that you ignore them or that they don’t exist; they do, and they feel the same pain you do at merely existing.

That’s the penalty you pay for playing The Game.

And what is UrthGame, exactly? Ding dang it, that’s the whole point. You’re here to figure that out, and nobody has the right to wreck your game by telling you the “right” answer which, by the way, there isn’t one.

By that I don’t mean there is no answer. Quiet the cynical mind a moment. There is no “right” answer. Every answer that comes up is a winner in the Big Picture.

You are an Experiencer, planted right smack dab square in the Middle of Creation. Your Basic Job is to be the eyes, ears, nose and throat of God, sort of an Avatar through which your particular viewpoint of Creation and the events within the Timeline can be seen and recorded.

In the Big Game Engine in the Sky, everything is recorded, absolutely everything, right from the collision of galaxies down to the last flight of a bumblebee. You can’t imagine how powerful and efficient the Big Brain is in the RAM department.

Anyhow, the point was that the Orbs are not all the same. You can spot the differences only by personal experience personally experienced. It does you no good to hear about them and read about them and try to imagine what being there might be like.

For the first time in Spiritual History of this planet, you can go see it for yourself, act within it, take part in its life-stream and experience existence beyond the veil.

And you can do it all in the convenience and privacy of your own home.

See You At The Top!!!
