Rape is a Subject We Must Discuss

I sure don’t want to talk about rape; it makes me uncomfortable and even uncustomarily angry, although I know the animal instincts that cause it and the social conditioning that encourages it and makes it the most common criminal act in our society. Please read on, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Rape victims are victimized thrice; once by their attacker, again by family, friends and peers partly by their knee-jerk kindness and understanding, and thirdly by the judge who slaps the rapist on the wrist and lets him go to attack another, and another, and another, because, what the hell, it’s just sex and it’s all in good fun.

If women made the laws, it would be very different, but at the moment, they’re an oppressed majority, much as happened in South Africa under Apartheid, except that in American business practices, it’s “separate & unequal” — ask any woman if that’s true.

Men look at sex differently in general, and tend to think that all women are eager to have sex with anyone at any time. Women don’t have sex uppermost in their minds; they’re after relationships and if sex will get them there, it’s part of the deal. Enjoyment? It comes from social conditioning. Yes, I hear the objections. You can’t generalize without making a mess, but I’m trying to establish a point here:

It’s generally men who commit the rapes. There are exceptions, but they’re rare. Why? Because men outweigh women 2:1 in general, having about twice the body-weight and muscle. In general, men are larger and stronger then women, and have always throughout history treated women as inferior, slightly less than the value of a good hunting dog. Tell me I’m bull-pucky if you dare, but you know that’s the god’s honest truth.

Most of the many thousands of women I’ve talked to over the past 45 years of working with groups have “admitted” that they were sexually assaulted in childhood. I put the quote-marks on “admitted” because it’s as if they were the guilty party, that they had somehow, just by being a young female, invited the attack.

You take a chance just being female. Ask any woman, and she’ll tell you that if she goes out in public, she’ll be constantly approached; guys are always checking to see if it’s an easy lay. Women are hit on, pinched, grabbed, groped and humped on any subway, bus, trolley or crowded department store and what’s more, it happens in every country in the world!

Helplessness, hopelessness, despair, anger, upset, outrage, pain, misery, suffering, befoulment, wanting revenge, anger over domination, fear of future attacks, shame, humiliation, feeling of being ruined, worthless, and ultimately, desire for suicide. These are feelings common to all who have ever been assaulted either sexually, physically or both.

Actually, there are a lot more mixed emotions; attackers play upon the emotions of their victims — the actual sadistic impulse is wrapped up in what they say to their victims as well as what they do to their bodies. The psychs I’ve talked to about the subject say that the victimizers do pretty much the same things, almost as if there were a school for them, and there is — the prisons, schools, public toilets, the street.

At first, there seems to be no way to cleanse yourself enough, to clear your mind and emotions of the abomination, no way to stop the memory from flooding back like a recent car accident, like a forever buzzing mosquito around your face.

You feel ugly, ruined, worthless, a piece of shit in a shit world.

Don’t give up hope just yet. You’re absolutely right; there is no way to clear the shock and outrage of a personal attack, in the ordinary way.

My humble apologies to modern psychology, but it doesn’t actually handle the problem. The real problem is that it won’t go away; the fear, the shame, the humiliation, the rage.

Magic is a powerful form of intervention, when all other hope is lost.

Don’t be afraid of the word “magic” — it merely indicates that science doesn’t yet have an explanation for it, but the phenomena and laws of magic are well-accepted and well-known, and every scientist would agree that, although nobody agrees yet on what it is, it definitely points to something.

What magic really means in this case is a way to handle something through non-obvious non-Einsteinian physics — which leaves us with Quantum.

If treated as a psychological matter, rape tends to suppress, but still has the power to continue to disturb the victim. If it’s treated with chemical ablutions, it tends to suppress, but it’s still always there. To really get rid of it, you need to radically switch life-tracks so that you’re on a track in which although the knowledge of the event is clear in your mind, you were never actually there.

It happened on a different track, and you came here by another route. Naturally, you’d be aware that that event must have happened, and you can remember that it happened, but it didn’t happen to the you that is the present you.

I hope that’s clear, but I understand if it doesn’t make immediate sense. It will, eventually, but it is full of contradictions, which is a big failure of Quantum Physics — it leaves you holding the Particle Bag, so to speak.

You’ll note that when you handle a powerfully shocking and destructive past event magically, through Prosperity Path, the memory doesn’t go away, but because it’s from a track you skillfully avoided by future-dodging, it has no power to annoy you; the memory of the assault becomes a second-party event, and the effect is very diminished.

You can even have the satisfaction of revenge by reducing the karma of your attacker, thus robbing them of what they tried to take from you — your life.

Don’t give your attacker the satisfaction; don’t do what victims tend to do — hate the attacker. Forgiveness and Blessings and Karma Reduction is your legitimate revenge and when you take that path, it leads to Prosperity For All. There are even more things that a victim can do to handle the effects of abuse of all kinds. I’ll be introducing them in the upcoming Prosperity Path workshops.

Get rid of that feeling of helplessness that comes from any attack whether physical, mental or emotional. Dammit, don’t let the bastards grind you down! Take back your life, make it mean something, give yourself a work aim and be of service to others, and breath free again. You’ll be glad you did.

I’m sorry to bring up a most unpleasant subject, but it had to be done. I hope that my efforts will bring some peace and restore some happiness and joy in the lives that have been ruined by the shocking ambushes of the Human World. I can’t undo the event, but I’m happy to say that I can help you Rise From the Ashes into a New Life.

See You At The Top!!!
