Naked On The Streets of Hong-Kong


Persy in a vulnerable spot on the streets of London in Second Life — caution is required.

Naked or Nearly Naked on the Streets of Hong-Kong? It happens all the time, but most of the time you ignore the inevitable sense of extreme and imminent danger, because you’re trained by life to ignore it. If you didn’t, you’d be paranoid-nuts beyond belief. Oh, you already are? Okay, then this dissertation is for you, so read on…

Any time you go out the door, you’re in much more danger than you are if you just sit around the house, right?

If you guessed “true”, you’d be wrong. Most accidents happen around the house, and the fact is, there’s no reason why an airplane or a meteorite shouldn’t come crashing through the roof right this very moment!

Okay…the fact that it didn’t happen right then is no proof it couldn’t have happened right then, see?

The short end of that stick is that The absence of something does not prove its non-existence.

Most good math, chemistry and physics comes from that realization.

When you enter the internet, you might think that, because you’re sitting behind an anonymous avatar and you’re tucked away safe and sound in your own den in the safest middle part of your very own home in which your bank is a silent partner for the next 30 years, you’re safe.

Well, let’s examine the situation:

You’re on the internet. That means that everything about you is now known by anyone who possesses the power to obtain and analyze that information. Even my kids can find out who you are and where you live just by you existing on the internet. They could, but don’t. My point is that you don’t need to be a power-possessor to have access to very critical information; anyone with the desire to do it can do it.

So the answer is, don’t be on the internet.

Might as well say, “stop breathing”, because you are on the internet in so many ways, you don’t have a clue how high into the zillions it runs. If you are one of the last holdouts against cellphones, smartphones and the wide variety of pads and such out there, you might perhaps not be on the internet directly — that is, if you have also avoided owning a PC, Mac or Linux, and you haven’t got a digital tv set.

Oh, but there’s more. Your refrigerator, if it’s recently purchased, is on the internet. So is your wall clock, your wireless devices and every operating detail in your home, office or den.

The fact is that you are wired. You can’t avoid it. Your house lighting is or will soon be wired. Air conditioner, heater, toaster, oven — heck, you get a text message from your fridge not to forget the half-pound of butter and the broccoli for tonight’s dinner.

Pacemaker, emergency beeper, lost-person finder, all are on some form of internet connection.

How about your shopping? Even if you don’t have a computer at home or office, when you shop, all the calculations are done on some cloud on the internet, and all the charges and banking business are done there, too.

Oh, you still walk to the bank, and snail-mail your deposits? Good for you; you’re one of the very last. You can tell historians all about it when they find you quivering in the bushes.

Amazon is a book store; nothing bad could happen there.

Oh, yeah? Since when is it safe to hang around the book stacks in the library? It isn’t any safer to hang out in a bookstore than it is to loiter in an underground garage, but it does look safer, if appearance is anything to go by, and it isn’t. Part of being street-wise is to see accidents coming toward you a block or more away.

Getting street-wise doesn’t happen by sitting at home.

On the other hand, unless you get curious, bored, lonesome or just plain stupid, you won’t be in danger on the internet as long as you go about your business with due diligence, and don’t get seduced into “trolling” around the internet, commonly called “browsing”.

Shopping is different.

When shopping on the internet, extreme caution is advised, even if you know and trust the seller, because in the digital world, weird accidents happen all of a sudden. Your entire trust fund could be wiped out by one failed digit.

Going to the Ashram, is it safe?

So long as you stay on the straight path, it should be fine. Go to the Ashram, come straight back. It’s when you stray, when you wander off the path, that you can and do get in trouble.

Even so, an avatar who knows his/her stuff is easily able to outmaneuver any wise guy on or off the planet. You’ll learn the Bardo Maneuvers in Angel Flight School and you’ll learn the Basic Dodges in our group T’ai Ch’i classes every morning at 7 AM PST, open to all Ashram residents and guests.

Are walk-ins welcome in Prosperity and Prosperity Ashram?

Of course. If you have any questions, and you run into someone who can answer them, fine and good — if not, write your questions down and bring them to the ICW on Saturday or Sunday morningĀ  — don’t know about the ICW? Find out about it — finding out about things is the First Initiation.

See You At The Top!!!
