
Why download Second Life? Why select an Avatar? Why bother to get into Second Life with your new Avatar? Why develop your Avatar? Why learn the MoveAct Code? Why bother to go to the Ashram at all? Why should you spend your valuable spare time at the Ashram anyhow? Why work at the Ashram if you not only don’t get paid, you have to pay to work there??? Why support the Ashram? Why help make the Ashram grow by bringing new folks to the Ashram???

Fair questions. I’ll tell you why:

The Ashram is a place where you can do things you cannot do on Earth. In the Ashram you can BE in ways that you cannot presently be on Earth. In the Ashram you can drive a Rolls-Royce or a Stutz Bearcat or fly the original Wright Brothers airplane or a 747 if you prefer something with room for up to 50 passengers with you as the pilot.

You can buy or build a mansion, hut or hobbit house. You can walk in the mountains along the Zen trail, work in the Zen and/or Food Gardens, help to gather food in the Ancient Roman groves, walk through ancient Egyptian temples, bathe in the original Baths of Diocletian, watch a race around the Circus Maximus, read a book at the Library of Alexandria and dive down to explore the ruins of Atlantis below the Linden water waves.

It’s at the Ashram, and ONLY at the Ashram, that you can contact and develop a powerful relationship with your Avatar, your Future Self one level of consciousness higher than you are today, living in what we call “L3(15)a”, a world that can be more or less accurately represented in the cyberworld of Second Life and GODD, two “gaming” engines that have been harnessed to reach beyond the Membrane of this universe into other dimensions unreachable by any other means at present on Earth, although other methods exist elsewhere.

In the Ashram, you can link up with others in your Galaxy-Wide Support Team, and get help where you need it, and learn to give help where you can and help is wanted.

In the Ashram, you can walk, you can run, you can dance, you can fly.

There really isn’t anything you can’t do in the Ashram, provided it’s been scripted or can be scripted by someone. Amazingness abounds. One of the things you can do that you can’t do on Earth is take the River Journey. It has been estimated that if this were built as a theme park, it would take over 30 years to complete, at a cost of over $35 billion, and by the time it was completed, the cost would have risen significantly higher than that.

You’ll be able to walk through and have experiences in museum settings beyond your hope and imagination. Mighty Karnak, temple of ancient Egypt, awaits your pleasure. But why walk alone? You can dress in ancient Egyptian garb — at the income level of your preference — and join a mob…I mean “procession”…of fellow ancient Egyptians. Want to watch this on youtube? Folks have posted some footage of at least one such procession.

Would you like to explore the Path of Alchemy? Dance the Moon Dance? Explore the crypts and dungeons and caverns of mystical lore and fantasy? Well, they’re all here, waiting for you to take the plunge.

And shopping?

Holy God, there’s no better or cheaper way to get that shopping spree out of hand and into the pocketbook than by taking a walk down the Street of Dreams at 3201 Meters along the entire 10 sims of collective commercial stuff.

What I mean is, you can start out a Lindenaire on one end of the street and by the time you get to the other end, you could be a Linden Pauper with a ton of stuff in your inventory you never thought you’d buy, but you did.

And do you know why you did?

Because L$240 is only one lousy buck, American Style. It’s hard to spend beyond your means in Second Life, but if you want to try that, you can, and here’s how:

Take the Master Builder’s Course. Make your own stuff here at the Ashram. Then open your own shop, and make a million Lindens.

Then come to the Ashram and spend it. Don’t hesitate for a moment to drop a bundle and shop ’til you drop, because 100% of all proceeds go to support the Ashram! (If you wish to make a substantial donation to IDHHB, Inc. a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in the State of California), do NOT do so through Second Life. Please make arrangements with Barbara so you can get the correct government-approved documentation of your donation to give to your accountant!

Where else can you go crazy shopping like this? Here’s a shopping list you could use for starters:

1.   Lamborghini Roadster

2.   California Beach Home

3.   New York 3-Story Condo

4.   Jazz Club & Lounge

5.   Desert Island Tropical Tiki Paradise

6.  Rollex Oyster Supremo IV

7.   Rembrandt Etching Collection

8.   Didgeridoo & Expertise at Playing Same

9.   Egyptian Godhood

10.  No Pain Instant Sex Change (you might want to start here if you’re shopping for clothes)

Why go to the shops along the Street of Dreams or wander through the 100 shops in the DarkSide Mall? Why should anyone do — or get — all those spiritually absurd things? No reason, and that should be good enough for you.

How we use those things here, it won’t do any harm to do or have those things, not at all, because they’re used in a “game” — in the sense that Life is also a “game” — that was designed specifically to help you contact your Avatar who can help you free yourself from the organic junk & clutter of Earthian Life.

No need to fear the Higher Being Shopping Spree, because none of that stuff can be taken out of Second Life, so they won’t actually grab you and choke you like stuff in the organic world can do.

But how does it work to change me and get me ready for my next life on a higher level???

You want a nice, tidy, lengthy and believable explanation in very exotic scientific terms, or do you want to personally experience it actually working?

See You At The Top!!!
