Amazing Discovery

Photo by T. of Gorby practicing guitar at Red House, 1971.

When you realize that the so-called “simple” Guitar Practice of 5 Minutes a Day, which eventually turns into maybe a half-hour or more per session, sometimes four or five guitar sessions a day when you get into it, can produce miracle internal results, it’s an amazing discovery.

Just five minutes a day practicing the guitar, seems like nothing.

At some point, the guitar practice seems to go better, then worse, then better and better, up and down for a number of months, maybe years, before you relax into it.

That means stop trying to control it, to make it into something that resembles your mental picture of what guitar practice ought to look and and sound like.

That picture of you playing guitar is totally wrong. As I said, at some point, you’ll let go of that picture of yourself and let the real thing just be there.

The Guitar Practice is intended to use both guitar and voice, and eventually, you’re expected to try the vocals, but only after you’ve mastered the chords and the chord changes to some degree, with enough skill to manage to stumble through a song.

Think of yourself as a world in miniature — the inside is crawling with millions or billions of little creatures corresponding roughly to the Nationalists and Socialists that have divided themselves into modern Amerika.

Nobody wants to compromise, and each side is convinced they can win and dominate.

Until that concept is washed away by bloodshed beyond anyone’s comprehension, that’s the way it will be, until the end of time.

When you do the Guitar Practice, you force the accommodation, the compromise, between parts of your inner self, until the guitar is playing naturally, easily and comfortably.

When the guitar is peaceful, your inner world is also at peace.

This “Harmonization” takes place automatically, if the guitar practice is energized properly, which means you need some instruction, feedback and guidance, about once a week.

Guitar Lessons are indicated, with a properly trained Guitar Practice Coach.

You can get certificated as a Guitar Practice Coach by taking the Guitar Practice, and then learning how to coach it correctly.

The whole process can be accomplished in about a month, maybe less, and then you’re on your own as a Guitar Practice Coach.

Of course, if you get stuck, we’re here to help. Call, write, message or otherwise prompt a reply.

Advanced Guitar Training is also available, using mantra power along with sound energies and vibration-matching, tuning and harmonizing your voice with an Angelic Chorus of your very own, which provides you with a backup group on vocals.

It takes a Secret Mantra to open the Guitar Practice to vocal harmonization.

You won’t get that particular initiation until you have harmonized your guitar without adding a vocal harmony, which means practice, practice, practice.

It also means that you need to have a specific goal in mind — it should be Harmonization.

Everyone has some level of neurosis, of accumulated practices, superstitions and habits that keep you down in the organic world with no hope of salvation until you raise your head up out of the sand and take a good look at yourself.

You have a bunch of neuroses that trip you up, tangle you and wind you into a morass of Sargasso Seaweed.

The ordinary solution to neuroses is treatment.

I have another idea — grind it out of existence — but how??? Guitar Practice requires that everyone be quiet inside, no conflict.

That doesn’t mean “Anger Management” — it means a total absence of anger, and that can only come from Inner Harmonization.

Inner Harmony is hard to come by.

It’s a Premium Offering on the Guru Circuit, and is a popular item among upwardly mobile youngsters who think they just invented the basics of life.

If you can offer Inner Harmony, total peaceful inside, completely expanded state of mind and transcendent Cosmic Consciousness, you have a following.

I only offer guitar lessons. Once in a while, I teach rock painting — every so often, I might do a class on sculpture. Here and there, I try to give a few hints about Bardo Training.

If you want more, you’ll have to work for it.

How to get started? Get in touch. That’s the first step. We can’t send you our FREE Information Packet unless you contact us, and if enough folks contact us, we’ll definitely put that Info Packet together, somehow.

You’re always receiving telepathic messages, but you’re well-trained enough to ignore them.

You can use my “Become Telepathic as Hell” method to achieve powerful levels of telepathic awareness.

In general, the only thing between you and Telepathic As Hell is awareness, and that can be easily repaired.

You’ll be learning the same technique of Telepathic Awareness that was used by the Ancients — the PLS Deck.

It creates the necessity for telepathic awareness, and that’s what does it. At the same time, you’ll be expanding your lifetime footprint to include many past lives that you have lived.

You will also recover and regain hundreds of lost skills and knowledge of many lifetimes.

At the same time, you will learn how to work your way backward through the Third Bardo. This can come in real handy.

See You At The Top!!!
