Social Media For Beginners

Get MAZE BRIGHT on the Bardo with this BARDO RUNNER Keychain, only $89.95!

The Bardo Runner Keychain is just a glimpse of things to come from my lab in the next few weeks or months, as manufacturing and shipping whimsy will allow.

Here are a few examples of social media SEO VIDEO marketing. Make no mistake about it, the thing is designed to capture clicks from youtube and convey them to the brane-power website home page — that’s the hot link at the top left of the description field.

The idea here is to appeal to the greed factor, that you can find a penny worth thousands right there, in your pocket change, and the thing is, every word of it is true — it did come out of my pocket change, I had it authenticated and slabbed, and it really is worth $1200, and it’s in my collection right now.

We all know it’s true, that you can learn to discern rare coins in your pocket change or out of a bank box. It’s not that hard, once you learn the basic searching skills — one big secret is to sort first, then search — find coins that MIGHT answer, then search them in detail under a jeweler’s loupe later on, one thing at a time, one action at a time.

After hearing “One Tweet Over the Edge” a couple of times, you might be ready to try your own version, your own cover of the song, and if you have the Protest Songbook, you’ve got the lyrics handy, so have at it, video it and post it professionally with all the hooks and bells and whistles, like this little video has!

Okay, that’s all for now — you can expect to see hundreds of videos at the SEO video workshops at the upcoming VIRTUAL MAGIC CON this very Labor Day weekend, so be there. If you can’t attend in person, you can come in online, and come and go as you must or will.

I’ll be handling questions from attendees and helping you get started making serious side money with SEO videos and other SMM technologies and Methods.

See You At The Top!!!
