How Much Is Your Time Worth???

Have you ever wondered who pays Joe Rogan, and how much does he earn per podcast? Come to think of it, unless you’re glued right into the social media scene, you’re more likely asking, “Who the hell is Joe Rogan???”, and you’d be right.

He started as a nobody, a nothing, a soul without a voice — gee, that more or less accurately describes your exact predicament today, doesn’t it?

Well, fret no more, amigo — you can transform yourself into the most interesting and exciting podcaster on the face of  this or any other planet, just by learning the simple “ropes” — the ins and outs — of podcasting FOR A LIVING.

We’re not talking the occasional whimsy of the average shmoe, which is how we all start out in life, as an average shmoe — which means a nebbish, a nothing.

In short, you, me, everyone you’ll ever meet.

We all start out on an even playing field. No, not at birth — your journey through this particular life started in the Bardo, when you were asked, “What would you like to do now?” and this was your answer.

Okay, so in retrospect, you should have taken just the cake, but no, you hadda be greedy, and you demanded BOTH the cake AND the death.

Once you make that decision, the die is cast, and you take rebirth.

Oh, not right away, of course, as you’ll remember from previous deaths and rebirths.

First there’s a period of wooziness and blackout, a feeling of being passed through a strainer, and then getting drunk.

Drunk, as in being a glass of water going down someone’s throat. After that, it’s all downhill through the birth canal and into your next lifetime, which is this, at the moment.

Now all you have to do is remember what you had in mind when you selected this particular game, the game of LIFE.

It’s an okay game IF YOU REMEMBER THAT IT IS A GAME, and you can really learn a lot about the world, if you’re paying any sort of attention.

Of course, all this knowledge does you absolutely no good whatever, once you lift off out of the material world through the Crown Chakra if you’re adept, or through your left foot if you’re not.

That moment comes all-too-soon, and catches you off-guard every time, unless you’ve put in the spirit-entrainment time, right?

No problem.

You’ve spent your entire adult life training yourself to react gracefully and elegantly in the Bardo, am I right?

I call it The Eternal Game, or The Processional of Realities.

“Procession”, because it  takes a long time, through an increasingly difficult set of skills, like training your fingers to play guitar or piano or football or surgery or academic study or reading the Tarot, or remembering the ancient past.

None of those are automatically installed in the Human Biological Machine as a matter of course.

Nature does not encourage intelligence. Maybe you’ve noticed.

Anyhow, it’s a process, and it takes time and determination, discipline and a certain amount of self-suffering, resulting from ego-damage done in the course of the training.

Sorry about that, but it’s awfully inconvenient for me, too — I have to somehow soften the blow, reduce the effect of the quash, offer a helping hand through the devastation felt whenever the ego is slightly threatened, and frankly, I can’t help it — I do it all the time.

It is with deep apologies that I attack the ego of anyone. I wouldn’t harm an ego for all the world, I only want it to get out of the way, like a Poltergeist.


You’ll have to build it slowly, no pain, no gain, just like building muscle groups. It doesn’t come easy, and it doesn’t come free — you’ll pay for it, one way or another, and it isn’t always money.

It’s never about money. You can’t take it with you. On the other hand, if you dig how reincarnation works — and we offer a simple easy-to-understand mini-course on how to steer yourself through a chain of lifetimes — you don’t HAVE to take it with you.

You merely leave it to yourself.

Me, I prefer to bankroll myself on every turn, and that’s why I deleted my Level 99 Diablo II characters dozens of times, each time a new season opens up, and the reason why I do this and have done it all my life is clearly stated in the video I’ve posted on the subject.

A Podcast is not about persuasion. Your ADS are about persuasion, but not your show.

One of the healthiest things I heard from one of the better Trump impersonators is, “I do my act to be funny. My act is not going to change one single vote.”

That’s so sensible. You shouldn’t be working the act to change minds, because minds are not changed by those things — political decisions are ALWAYS gut-emotional, whether they are disguised as thought or not.

Oh, sure, I know — YOUR vote is based on reason. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that your vote is based on things you already believe.

It’s like when I was standing around at a friend’s funeral a few years back, and somebody said, “he’s not dead, he’s merely sleeping,” and I replied, “I got twenty bucks on it that he’s dead.”

Wanna live forever?

Clearly, you’ve never been inside an 80-year-old body.

Look, wanting to live forever is like staying in a computer game even during mealtimes, playing while you’re eating.

This is not healthy, and should be discouraged.

You need to learn to take a break, not just one, but frequently, away from the game. Do something else for a while, like take the dog out for a walk.

You have no dog, or you’re in God-Mode in your Unique Universal Bubble, and there IS no outside?

Well, that’s okay, you can figure out something else to do, even in a Heavenly Apartment, which is like a single compartment or cell, in an endlessly gigantic big flat honeycomb of a multiverse, which is what this is that you’re in right now, in case you’ve already forgotten.

It’s okay if you forget, but once you realize you’ve forgotten what you’re doing here, you need to re-educate yourself really fast.

I recommend “Total Recall” for your edification and possible application to your unique circumstances, whatever they are or may be or become.

In short, take a breath and hold onto your ass, here we go again or, like baseball legend and strange-talker Yogi Berra, who spouted oddball figures of speech like:

  • “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”
  • “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
  • “Baseball is 90 percent mental.”
  • “The future ain’t what it used to be.”

And of course, his most memorable line, “It’s deja-vu all over again.”

If you’re interested in mangled speech, you can also find thousands of Goldwynisms, from the mouth of Sam Goldwyn, of MGM films fame — yes, he had his 15 minutes.

Unfortunately, Andy Warhol — who used to illustrate my Dad Horace’s science fiction and fantasy stories — fell just one minute short of 15 minutes in his retrospect TV coverage.

Housed inside that compartment, that cell, you can’t actually leave it or contact other Bornless Ones by physical contact.

In your home plane, there is no physics, there is only thought, and energy is the product of thought.

Thought on that level, is a kind of work, producing energy or mass or both, equally convertible, like the universe you’re presently in right now.

That’s a whole lot lower down the scale than your Home Plane, which is typically going to be three levels above the Causal.

Most of my students are based on the Third Plane — they’re the lucky ones. For them, there is a way out — clearly, it’s also the way in.

It’s a two-way highway to and from this level to your own home level.

That’s roughly the equivalent of an internet game, in which you can telepathically contact other Beings in other honeycomb cells.

You’re currently doing that right now, only you’ve decided to call your telepathic communication and visualizations as “computer science”.

Hey, what you call it is none of my beeswax. I’m here to see a bomber.

What I mean is, let go, just let go. Everything else follows. Just let go. It’s not about money. It’s not about power. It’s not about control, and it’s certainly not about sex, drugs and rock n’ roll.

It’s about time. Oh, and space. And matter. And also energy. These things happen, and they have to be dealt with until they go away, and they won’t go away by themselves.

What won’t go away? Exactly, and that’s my point.

Over there, a billion billion light-years in that direction, a galaxy burns brightly in the sky, but that galaxy is gone now, vanished billions of years ago.

All that remains is the light cast from that glob of stars.

The civilizations have come and gone, countless trillions of them, and more will come, until the universe lies dark and quiet, not too long from now.

What if my fingers were not entrained to the keyboard layout, and they were over one single key to the right or left?

epi;f ,u etoyomh ;ppl ,ptr ;olr yjod???

And what if I hadn’t typed it at all, would the thought still occur to you?

It might never sink in, but NOTHING HAPPENS UNLESS IT’S WRITTEN.

The computer doesn’t understand what you think you might have meant. It reacts to what you said and did, period, and it can’t respond outside its programmed responses, including MACHINE INTUITION, which is when a computer makes a rough guess, based on few facts or none.

The whole difference is, the computer’s decision can’t, by nature, be emotional. Do machines have emotions?

My friend Ray Bradbury asked, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” and you might be wondering the same thing.

A bot is a bot is a bot, and you’re not excluded — you’re presently WEARING a bot, but it doesn’t seem botlike, because you’re OVERRIDING the bot’s inner instructions.

That’s called “consciousness”.

Machine intelligence is not intelligence — it’s “as-if” intelligent, which is the exact meaning of “Homo Sapiens Sapiens”, which means “as if intelligent”.

It surely doesn’t mean smart.

I can prove that by next November’s vote. At least 100 million people will hold their noses and vote for Trump, even though he’s a total loser and a creep.


Reflex, nothing more. They can offer reasons, but none of them make sense when compared with the truth of the situation.

In the end, it’s all about money, security, jobs, bank account, safeness and did I mention “money”???

Ask the average shmuck, and they’ll say the economy is doing great, and they can tell this by the fact that the stock market is going ever-upward.

They’ve never actually witnessed a market crash, have they?

It starts with a seemingly endless and sharp rise in prices, and the chart goes through the roof.

This is what happened with the tech stocks in one crash, the banking stocks in another crash, the oil stocks and the long bonds and I could go on and on about crashes — they’re much more frequent than people like you would suppose.

Bankers and brokers know better.

They know that the market fluctuates, and that down, or “Bear” markets always create buying opportunities for the very rich, and bankruptcies for the very poor, and that when blood runs in the streets, there’s money to be made.

The richest investors made some 700 BILLION dollars in the past six months, due to stock prices in the medical industries.

They knew when to pull their stock out and where to put it for the pandemic profits, and even if you knew the right moves, and you just might have figured it out, you’re in no position to take advantage of your knowledge, and if you have ethics, you just plain won’t.

Someone said to me the other day that Republicans have no ethics. That’s not true. If a cash customer — meaning your average lobbyist — should have accidentally given a Republican Senator a cash payoff of ten thousand dollars, and added a thousand dollars  more by mistake, by an error in counting out the hundred-dollar bills, there isn’t a Republican Senator that wouldn’t be thrown into an ethical turmoil.

“Do I, or do I not … tell my partners?”

It’s never even a thought for an instant whether they should return the extra overpaid money — of COURSE they’re going to keep it.

Hey, the guy made a mistake. Why should I let him off easy?

That’s the kind of back-stabbing you need to train yourself for, if your quest in this life is to become a politician, and it’s the same with opera.

In order to become a popular singing DIVA, you need to be a beautifully-voiced, excellently-trained, elegantly poised and brilliantly marketed back-stabbing bitch.

I use the term “bitch” in my comedy, with no apologies. If you didn’t squirm, it ain’t funny enough.

If I were still in the comedy business, I’d be as politically incorrect as possible, without offending anyone.

That’s the new norm of comedy. Sigh.

The New Norm of everything is going to be several notches below where you’d like to see it, and that’s the dumbing-down process that takes place in every failing culture, like this one.

MASA hats are everywhere — “Make Amerika Shit Assholes” is the translation of their new acronym in Trumpworld, which is his latest plan for America, to create a theme park and labor camp for the underprivileged.

You get to earn 15 cents a day, with the promise of citizenship if you behave and work very hard to produce potatoes.

Of course, you can also dig coal. Those jobs are open right now for anyone with an ounce of sense and self-respect.

Coal mining is a very honorable profession, and so is road-repair, unless you’re used to working as a bookkeeper or an accountant.

There won’t be any need for those kinds of jobs anymore, so get used to working for yourself and employing whatever family and friends you have to get yourself a new position in a new economic world, the world of online marketing and education.

You’re no good at marketing? Too bad, we’re gonna miss ya. If you have no skills, you will not eat, nor will you have a roof over your head or medical needs fulfilled.

You can’t count on the government for ANYTHING anymore, if you ever did. They can’t and won’t do anything for you, and you can’t trust anything that ANYONE says, including me.

I require that you do your “due diligence” on absolutely anything I say. You can’t count on anything to be true that remains untested, and I expect you to KEEP ON testing every supposedly true statement made by anyone.

That wasn’t true before Trump, but it’s the new truth, going forward, and it won’t ever change back.

Trump can be described as a “One-Trick Pony with powerful Trust Issues, Daddy Issues and a World of Hurt.

He was abused as a child, and wants to abuse everyone in revenge, which is his main game — there is, as has been wisely said, no money in revenge.

Still, it’s his favorite occupation, and he spends hours every day watching FOX NEWS spewing forth their garbage conspiracy theories, knowing full-well that Trump is a total sucker for any conspiracy theory, and the wilder and more salacious, the better.

This is what makes him such an amazing comedy-target, because he’s composed of an endless series of gaffs, or Yogi-isms, and there doesn’t seem to be an end to his crazy accusations.

He uses words like “Traitor” and “Sedition” and “Anarchists” way too much, and isn’t worried about getting someone killed by his zombie followers when they criticize Our Fearful Leader.

He doesn’t joke. He doesn’t and can’t laugh. He doesn’t understand laughter, and thinks it’s always about him, and frankly, he’s right.

That’s what cures a paranoid — he makes enemies fast, so his fears are justified, and he is therefore not paranoid, because these are no longer baseless fears.

So if you’re wondering whether Trump will get a second term or not, your worries are over — no matter who wins this election, there will be blood in the streets.

It feels like the days before the First American Civil War, where people are building up their raw energies and allowing themselves to fall into the “fight-or-flight” syndrome, where every neighbor is your enemy and every friend betrays you.

If Trump can get people to turn in their neighbors as being Jewish, the Trump Foundation could benefit by the seizure of their home, their goods and their bank accounts under the excuse “I wanted it”, which every dictator brands as their official policy.

They’re coming, not to take your rights away, but to take YOU away. Be ready for the Big Roundup, like I described in “SlimeWars” and “Trump is a Four-Letter Word”.

There’s a reason why the city of the future is named “New New Washington” — it’s built on the ruins of the Old Washington, long gone in my day back in the 37th century.

We only know about Trump from a rubber Halloween mask that’s kept in a drawer for history buffs like myself to discover among the few relics of human civilization.

Today’s kids ask, “Mommy, what’s a telephone?” or “What’s a TV set?” or “What’s a tree?” but tomorrow’s kids will ask, “What’s a human being?”.

I can’t explain it to someone who’s never actually SEEN one in action, but I try to explain them as machines that are carefully and painstakingly PROGRAMMED to run amok.

That’s the infamous MOVEACT CODE, to which you’re still subject, or you wouldn’t be listening to or reading this.

You need freedom.

Freedom from the MOVEACT CODE, which makes you an organic shmuck, subject to every CLICKBAIT trick the universe has to throw at you.

You need to get up off your belly and stand up like the immortal being that you are, and you need to take responsibility for your Earthly Journey, right now, today.

And that means “subscribe”.

Yes, to this blog, to this podcast, to this youtube channel, to this website, and fast. You’ll receive information about how to proceed, how to wade through this horrible and disgusting time zone, dominated by Trump and his minions, into a Brave New World, one in which you feel no fear, where Washington has calmed down again, and things proceed more sanely, and hopefully with a resolution to systemic racism which, according to Trump, doesn’t exist, like the Holocaust in which I lost half my family, or the Trade Towers, which were never bombed — they collapsed due to bad building habits.

Hey, get over it. It’s just a Constitution. There will be others. Get on your feet, drag your ass over to your computer, and start blogging and podcasting for the sake of The Work.

No, not for your own gain, or for your own sake, or for your own amusement. This is for others, those who are still drowning and suffering in the torment created by Trump and his Minions.

You can thank Mitch McConnell for many sleepless nights, worrying about whether they’re coming for your guns, your civil rights or you…

You can and will end up in a Trump Labor Camp if you’re not careful, and if you write blogs like this one, you’ll put yourself at the top of Trump’s Revenge List.

I am proudly there, one of the top ten, and I’m just waiting to see what he does next. I’m immune to all things human, and I certainly know how to make my hits count, as anyone in the Team Fortress world knows quite well.

I have a reputation, and frankly, my name is always at the top of the scorecard. I’m good, damn good, at gaming, and that makes me a better gamer in the human game as well, and would do you a world of good if you did it right, for at least four hours a day, as I do.

It’s a matter of discipline, not personal preference. There’s nothing I like better than to go fishin’, but gaming makes things wild, unpredictable and explosive, and that’s the kind of entrainment you want in a world gone mad.

Look, I’m not saying that you HAVE TO do this stuff. If you are really enjoying your human trip at the moment, gosh, I’d be the last to say you shouldn’t, and economically, it would be my very ruin.

BUT — if you’re kinda tired of playing the same old game and not getting anywhere, AND you have a real HUNGER for higher consciousness, well, you might as well start right in, and the start line starts at that place where you actually SEE the problem.

If there’s an obstacle in front of you, what do you typically do?

  • Run away.
  • Stop in my tracks.
  • Climb over it.
  • Try to dig underneath it.
  • Go around it to the right.
  • Go around it to the left.
  • Blow it up and continue on as if nothing had happened.
  • Offer to pay someone to move it. (called the Trump Maneuver, see below:)
  • Actually PAY someone to move it.
  • Wish it away.
  • Blame someone else for the obstruction.
  • Blame YOURSELF for the … no, never mind.
  • Ignore it. It will pass. It is what it is.

If the last choice was your typical selection, you belong here, and you’ll be totally at home in a racist, elitist and fascistic environment.

If you’re not one of them, you might be one of us.

Yes, and if you’re one of us, you want no part of them, and they certainly wouldn’t want any part of you, unless it’s on a shish-kebab stick.

That’s fine, keep away, keep away, run from them if you can.

Cowardly? Not when given a fair chance in a fair fight. I welcome the opportunity to utterly destroy any worthy opponent, and I’ll show you that painfully-acquired skill-set in any Team Fortress map you care to name, and I’ll play any character class you want me to play.

In short, I’m not a coward, and I’ve proven that just by writing this blog.

I’m not scared of Trump. I’m scared of his enablers.

Trump is just a Useful Idiot, as the Russians like to say. It’s his enablers who are the real villains — they know better.

Trump is easily manipulated by a deftly-applied combination of ruthless flattery and endless praise, and everyone around Trump, with the definite exception of Trump himself, knows that, and uses it on a daily or hourly basis to keep him under control.

Lacking that control, he goes off on his own, with twitter binges and surprise appearances on FOX NEWS, which is his state-controlled media.

All the others will be thrown out, if he’s re-elected, along with the old history books that teach about slavery.

It never happened. It never happened. It never happened. Keep saying that to yourself, aloud — over and over and over again.

There is no covid-20. There is no (cough, wheeze) covid-19. There is no…. (SOUND: thud)

So what has all this to do with earning a living as a podcaster?

Well, hell, clearly you haven’t been paying attention. Look, there’s a pandemic, right? What do people want in a pandemic? They want entertainment or something immersive that will help them forget the fear.

What do most people want about Trump? They want him to just go away, just slink off like the skunk he is, but that isn’t happening, and won’t, as long as he can make more trouble out of trouble, so the most they can hope for is to FORGET ABOUT TRUMP for at least a little while.

What do most folks hope will happen to our education system? They hope it will go away for a few hours to give them some peace of mind, and that’s it in a nutshell.

Most people just want some PEACE OF MIND.

Hey, you’re in the exactly right position to make that work for you. Become a PODCASTER and help them forget their troubles.

That’s the job.

Funny person, be funny. That’s what made Johnny Carson a household word, like “slopbucket”.

What I mean is, even if there IS a heavy political message, the real job is to help them get some PEACE OF MIND, some reduction of the fear.

Fear of what, you ask? God, you sure as heck ain’t been anywhere near this planet anytime in the recent past.

How about GLOBAL WARMING? And have we already forgotten that psycho with the funny haircut who has in mind the nuclear destruction of the entire Western Hemisphere, leaving North Korea the most powerful nation in the world?

Yeah, unfortunately, every dictator assumes that he will be Last Man Standing, but they’re ALL wrong — their followers eventually mob them and pull them to pieces.

I’m not kidding, it’s happened a lot in recent times as well as antiquity.

Ah, Antiquity! That’s the time-zone for me! Sure, you met an evil and untimely end at every crossroad, but when you came to the crossroad, you took it!

So here you are at a crossroad. Look, I didn’t bring you here. You brought you here. I have two signs, one says “To the Town of Truth” and the other says “To the Town of Liars”.

You don’t have to guess which one is true — you can ask me.

Of course, as in any well-prepared interview or cross-examination, you have to know the answers long before you ask the questions.

Haw, haw — it always amazes me that you can say stuff like that right out loud — it’s okay, nobody really listens.

Except you. You’re listening right now, so you’re going to both hear and understand the following:

“Ignore this message.”

Good, I’m glad you did. Imagine what would happen if you didn’t. So how to be a great podcaster?

You really needn’t be a GREAT podcaster, just a podcaster with a viewpoint, that’s all you need.

Talent? It helps, but is NOT essential. What you DO need is a brand, and that can be either the SUBSTANCE of your podcasts or the STYLE of your podcasts or both.

Why not both? It takes more time, discipline, planning and good judgment, but I’m sure you have those well trained within you, right?

If not, I have a three-week course on how to achieve self-discipline. It’s easy, and you can do it all day long invisibly without anyone becoming suspicious that you might be improving yourself.

Don’t worry, I won’t give you away.

Nobody will know that you’re a professional podcaster, because your podcasts will all go out in plain brown wrappers. No blatant advertising slogans on our shopping bags!

Your podcast needs to be YOUR podcast, and nobody else’s, and that means branding, and that means personalization and that means knowing thyself.

Yes, here we are, back to that same old conundrum about knowing thyself, huh? Well, without knowing who and what you are, you won’t have any point of view, and as Harry said, “A point in every direction is like no point at all.”.

You need a point of view, which creates attitude and understanding by its very nature — you need to know who you are, before you can point a finger at someone else and say who they are, or at a place, and say what that is, or an occupation or action and say what that might be or how to accomplish that thing.

In short, if you don’t know EXACTLY who you are, you ain’t shit.

I mean that in the most spiritual sense of the word. So it isn’t the actual subject matter of your podcast. It can vary or not. It can be funny or not, although funny will always draw the bigger audience. It can be informative or helpful or immersive.

Hell, it can even be packaged in the format of a soap opera or a newscast or a telecast theatrical play, or a commercial or an instructional.

See what I mean? It’s not about form, not about function. It’s not about the usual things. It’s about now. Something for right now, without delay, something to watch, to listen to, to think about, to be amused, impressed, saddened, enlightened — all the emotional states through which you might pass in the course of the well-constructed podcast.

What is a podcast? A podcast is what you make it. If you’re having fun, and the audience keeps growing, you’ll do okay.

A growing audience means sharing, which means liking.

Learn the skills needed to farm those positive feelings from fellow suffering souls along the endless path to ever-expanding consciousness, and from this you can make a living.

In a sense, you’ll be doing well by doing good.

Help heal the world, ease the suffering, reduce the fear. Your podcast can be instrumental in the elevation of world-consciousness, if you know how to harness the simple laws that govern all universes.

The worlds may look different, but the science is always the same.

See You At The Top!!!
