Just Add Water …

I’ve posted a number of portraits that have accumulated over the years as NFTs — I put them up on OceanSpray — no, I mean “OpenSea”, of course — and here’s how they work:

  • BUY BUTTON — The Blessings activate when YOU turn them on by hitting the “BUY” button on the aforementioned NFT on “OceanSpray”. I keep saying that, just to be funny, but it could well backfire. I of course meant “OpenSea”.
  • THEY STACK — The Blessings I’ve posted in the form of NFTs are synergistic — they work better together than alone — teamwork works.
  • THEY WORK — Guaranteed to bring you better luck, more happiness, more work opportunities.
  • HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS — They work to bring about higher consciousness, emanating in all directions from their particular Nexus-Node on the cloud.

The very act of buying the NFT constitutes asking for help. “Learning How to Ask for Help” is the very first lesson in the ABD, and the only one you really HAVE to learn.

“Don’t hurt yourself, don’t hurt anyone else”, is the second-most important lesson for the Bardo.

“What’s happening now that wasn’t happening then?” is the question of the day. If nothing external changed, how come it isn’t all right now, but it was okay a few minutes ago?

So how does the NFT work as a Prayer Generator? It lives in a world of energy, but that doesn’t matter.

What clearly makes the difference is the purchase, the ownership of the NFT, that turns it on and directs the energy toward you and your immediate environment.

Now comes the “luck” part.

Hope that the help is tangible and noticeable from where you are. When you actually sit down and take the time to write a comment telling me how much the Blessings helped, that action activates more and better luck.

Each of the portraits carries a different trait, an entirely different angle of focus, and has a wide variation of effects, most of which I hope are positive and useful.

At the very moment the exchange takes place between your MetaMask wallet and mine, the NFT transfers to your wallet and thus to your account. It’s yours now, instantly — and it’s YOUR Act of Faith that turned it on.

“What Act of Faith?” you ask.

Well, you decided to buy the NFT, that’s what Act of Faith, and did take some Faith, some level of trust.

If that’s how you feel, imagine how  I feel having my photo circulate like it was the sample inside a cheap drug store photo frame, but it gets the job done.

Magically speaking, your wallet is you, and through the lens of your NFT Wallet, I can make the Blessings flow.

The NFT doesn’t have to be hanging from a pouch on your neck or in your pocket, nor need it travel with you wherever you go, but it probably will, throughout the day, because you’re going to link it at some point to your cell phone so you can transfer funds more easily than they’ll let you do on a laptop or desktop.

It’s a cellphone world these days — get used to it. So once your Digital Wallet is on your cellphone, it will be somewhere within easy reach both day and night.

That means it’ll be radiating outward in every direction, which means that it should have the effect of influencing your immediate environment toward peacefulness and harmony.

If you become aware of a notable absence of lions or elephants, you know the magic is working.

If you happen to hit the $14 Trillion Dollar Lottery as a result of having that luck charm in your Digital Wallet, please remember us at Christmas.

Seriously, do you want to Hit the Jackpot for over a million dollars?

If you seriously do, and you have a selfless purpose for the money, I’ll be only too happy to divulge one secret, how to accumulate millions of dollars in NFTs absolutely free except for the small Account Initialization that costs gas fees to accomplish.

In short, you can suddenly be a source of incredible wealth on the internet, a Cryptocurrency Baron, a BitCoin Billionaire.

You won’t have any actual money, at least not at first — just a bunch of self-generated NFTs that nobody wants — yet.

It’s your job to make them want your NFTs more than any other NFTs, and that is all in the realm of social media dynamics, and it’s all up to you and your friends how you want to get into the New Economy.

Yes, cryptocurrency, that’s what I said, and that’s what I meant.

If it were Bowling For Dollars, it wouldn’t work. You need a captive audience in the modern art world, a digital world that is centered on the cellphone.

The real marketplace for NFTS has to be where the art can’t be bought for dollars — it can ONLY be bought for ETHs, which means you need to buy some ETHs, which is why they did this, made this NFT market, so people would buy ETHs, and they did.

Keep in mind, it’s easy to buy NFTs with ETHs, but it doesn’t actually translate easily and readily back the other way — not necessarily, anyway. The NFT is only worth as much as the artist who made it.

So what happens is that the ETH easily buys the NFT, but the NFT will not automatically buy ETHs, and there’s no guarantee you can pull the money out that you put into your NFTs, let alone realize some sort of profit when you go to cash it out.

On the other hand, if all you have in it is a little labor, what the heck? Why not give it a chance? Make some NFTs and hang them on Open Sea and see what happens.

All you need is just ONE BitCoin Billionaire to decide to buy your stuff.

Is that a long-shot? Sure it is, but if you’re a serious professional artist and you make your whole living from selling your art, it’s the only shot you’ve got, so you might as well take it.

Artists these days have only one choice — go straight ahead, not back. Come to think of it, scientists are generally expected to follow the same rule. Don’t repeat the past. Too bad they generally don’t heed that warning.

I’ve priced the Blessings NFTs down low, at only E .02, which right now is around $50 bucks, which is the lowest point at which I could be interested in expending the time and energy to list the item.

If you actually manage to get onto OpenSea and get yourself a MetaMask Wallet and actually get some cash in the account in the form of .05 Eth or about $125.00 in American money, you’ll experience what it’s like to be adrift on a featureless body of  open water — and this is the world of Open Sea.

On a raft without a paddle.

Sure, it’s a hell of a challenge, but that’s the whole point. No matter how good or bad you are at making NFTs, you will have some sort of market, and you could have ‘way more fans than you realize!

You won’t find out until you try. What do I have to tell you to get you to try hanging a few dozen NFTs on OpenSea?

Consider it said.

Look, there’s no way to imagine your way to conscious life. You need to take some action, and this is one action that doesn’t hurt to take.

You get an OpenSea account, then a MetaMask Digital Wallet so you can hold and trade cryptocurrency and NFTs, so they have a place to land and reside — inside your MetaMask Digital Wallet.

You need to take care of it just as you would your Actual Wallet. If you leave your wallet or purse or briefcase or laptop on buses and trains, you should probably not have a digital wallet or any other kind of wallet.

That goes for keys, too.

You should have learned the First Rule of Life: “Put it back where you got it.” If you do that, you’ll always know where to look for it.

If it isn’t there, you broke the rule — it’s your own fault. Of course, there’s no one keeping score. That goes along with the Thirty-First Universal Secret: “The waiter doesn’t need to know your name.”.

I’ll bet you thought that they did. Everyone thinks that. Get over yourself.

So if the vibrations are emanating from the digital wallet, where does the Effect land? That’s a good question — I’m glad you asked.

That’s kind of like asking, “How come it takes 11 women on PMS to change a lightbulb?”.

It just does, that’s all.

Actually, I do have an answer — it’s about “Rattling the Cage”, meaning that all parts of The Grid are connected and respond instantaneously to one another in a massive composite complex wave.

Where the wave happens is not measurable by human instruments, but it makes a sort of ripple or shrug that manifests as an infinite number of synaptic flashes.

That’s all in the Quantum Energy Field, not the Higgs Field. The QEF is weird and weird things tend to happen inside it.

Most dimensions aren’t very big. It doesn’t take much to make a universal ripple, sometimes just a decision without action will do it.

Something that happens here can have ripple effects throughout the galaxy — everything is connected, which is something that you will someday come to SEE, not just appreciate.

I’ll be posting Waking State Generators soon — watch for them on my account at OpenSea.

I’m happy to see folks actually doing this practice. Keep it up!

click here to go there

See You At The Top!!!
