My Crypto USB NFT GorbyToken Gallery #22

“Clear Light Blessing”

CRYPTO USB NFT GorbyToken – “Clear Light Blessing” – Edition of 1,000.

If you were to ask me which ONE of my NFT cards is sure to succeed, it’s the Clear Light Blessing, where I’m delivering an actual Blessing at the Clear Light Temple in Crestline, CA. back in 1975.

Your “USB NFT GorbyToken” comes stuffed with a HUGE printable .jpg file which is so large that I had to reduce it in order to fit it onto this blog page.

You also get the Blessing Orb with my personal soundbytes loaded onto the flash drive, so that you can run the Orb and experience it directly from the USB flash drive which you then carry with you throughout the day.

You also get a personal Blessing, performed as I sign and number your card.

Your Blessing Card retails for actually half the usual price of an empty drive — only $39.00 retail — BUT WAIT!!! You don’t ever have to pay retail, because we’re using this as a continual promotional, figuring that you’ll want to give away several as gifts, and they need to be cheap, so here’s the deal:

Your price per Blessing Card is only $10.00. That’s less than the usual cost, but we’re getting help from our manufacturer, who is very work-friendly and with whom we have worked for over a decade with great satisfaction and success. In short, we can do this.

Don’t forget — this is a complex technological wonder in the form of what looks like a fat credit card, but don’t be fooled — there’s a lot of stuff in there, and it’s all yours for only $10.00!

Um, there is a catch. You knew there would be.

It’s not much. In order to get the order large enough to qualify for a discount, we need to sell at least 500 of these puppies before we can order them.

So you need to order AT LEAST 5 Blessing Cards at $10.00 each, which comes to a measly $50.00.

We have more than enough folks on our active mailing list to cover this, so we’ll be fine! Meantime, you might want to tell some friends about this deal.

If $50.00 is absolutely overwhelming, you need to take my “work at home” classes and get into NFT sales real quick, to remedy the situation. This is the private sector. They expect results.

And here before you are a number of my NFT GorbyToken galleries, full of digital and digitized artwork just waiting for YOU to come along and use my USB NFT GorbyToken Blessing Cards to turn yourself into a millionaire overnight.

Well, maybe not exactly “overnight” — perhaps more in the range of several dozen decades, if ever. Artists don’t make as much as jazz musicians, but they try harder.

Not me. I don’t hardly try at all, I just play.

Sometimes I play the guitar, sometimes the drum, sometimes the flute, but I always play, while the playing field is still here upon which to run, jump and frolic, such as I’m able. At 79, I tend to jump a lot less, but I’m still frisky enough to make two stars collide. As the Lord says at the end of “Creation Story” the stage-play, “I told you I could make it all vanish with the blink of an eye, Gabriel, and I did.”

See, the whole point of having a universe in the first place is to have a place to meet new friends and play games and have a lot of joy and fun in nature, but apparently some folks just have to have violence, and that’s why we have to have another flood.

Well, if not a flood, perhaps a solar flare over a weekend? Don’t forget, you heard it here first. It doesn’t much matter what happens within the lifespan of the universe, just as long as SOMETHING does.

This offering is unique, and it’s our first experiment in the Land of USB Cards. We shall soon see if there is a market for my brand of NFTs, without the need for blockchain.

We really don’t want blockchain and so, although it would be easier for me to just go with the flow, I resist it and make my own HARDWARE versions of the NFT, and I’m prepared to fight for it.

We can’t let blockchaining win.

Send for your non-blockchain “Clear Light Blessings” NFTs today! I’m ready to take your order, and as soon as all orders are in, we’ll make ’em and send ’em!

You need to order your Blessing Cards within a few days, in order to ensure that your cards will be produced and included in the factory shipment.

We will verify your order as received. Once the edition limitation of 1,000 is reached, the production of  this card stops and the mold is broken.

No, that’s not exactly true. We keep the mold and create a Second Printing, which is usually not as collectible as the First Edition. That’s the rule, not the exception.

Once in a while, the second edition is worth more, but that’s rare — which Shakespeare would you rather have, the First Folio or the Second Quarto?

Get your order in SOON! We’re gonna order REAL SOON, so don’t wait. Do it now.

See You At The Top!!!
