Mario & Zelda at $1 Million Dollars, wow!

A copy of Mario Brothers and a copy of Zelda went at about a million dollars each at an auction a couple of days ago.

You know what? I was a game developer back then, and I have a few trunkloads of early videogames, some of which were signed by the developers and of course never opened.

Gosh. Think about it. Had I not opened the boxes of my Zelda and Mario Bros. games, I might have been able to send several kids through college and have enough left over to buy myself a vintage Stingray to drive around the farm.

I was part of the Quake development team, and have a contract with John Carmack, plus a bunch of photos of American McGee’s visit here, to prove it.

Actually, photos are so heavily deep-faked and altered that they no longer prove anything if, indeed, they ever did, but then, I never thought they would.

So all I had to do was hold on to my early videogames, resist the urge to open the boxes and play the games, and just sit on my hands, more or less, until the year 2021, when all of a sudden those long-forgotten boxed games become important again.

And why are they important? Because of the million dollars, that’s why.

So in theory, if our videogames were worth millions, we’d have it easy, but experience teaches us — or should teach us, if we pay attention — that this  is wrong.

What all this indicates to me is that I should redouble my efforts to ignore racial injustice, prejudice, political extremism, religious extremism, plague, economic catastrophe and a sudden influx of ants, and concentrate on the important things, like creating a virtual sculpture that can be owned and transferred as property, and signed and dated and made original.

Well, I’ve done that very thing, and I invite you on the same journey.

It’s called the Godd™ Game Developer, and it’s only available to those who are seriously interested in furthering the aims of the Godd™ games.

It’s not about money. If it were, we’d have been rich when we developed the 3D engine slightly AHEAD of ID Software.

Our engine was built on the Amiga platform, and we had to rebuild the engine from scratch for the DOS version, which later became the Windows version, and so it goes.

To date, Dick has kept the engine running through horrific changes wrought by the powers that be over at MicroSoft.

It’s fortunate that the engine still works on Windows 10, because hardly anything else does.

You can still download the Godd™ Games “House & Tree” without joining a club or anything, but beyond that, you’ll have to get into a  builder’s group on ZOOM with us.

Look, there’s no way to approach this dynamic and instinctive game-building technique. First you figure out what you want to do and then you learn how to do it.

Normally, it’d be the other way around, but that’s not how this totally instinctive building system works.

When it comes to building SCULPTURAL forms within the virtual space, you need some solid background on classical sculpture, especially as related to interpenetrating forms.

When you calculate rightly, everything balances on both sides of the formula, and it easily reduces down to one unknown, which only then can be solved.

That’s how it’s done in math, chemistry, physics and, of course, classical sculpture.

But we’re not making classical sculpture here, although we surely could — it would be far easier and visually more successful if it were done in a modeling program, however.

What we’re going to try to come up  with is a SALEABLE transferrable copyright-protected and thoroughly identifiable limited edition of this thing, and I have just the plan you want.

Not only can you create transferrable ownership  works of art, but you can turn them into virtual NFTs and actual NFTs, and sell them online to make a passive and long-lasting side-hustle income.

In short, you can create 3d virtual sculptures, and also create videos about them, NFTs to correspondingly relate to them, and all manner of social interactions from which emanate even more fulfillingness, if you get my drift.

So in the spirit of Mario and Zelda, learn to create virtual wonders and endless entertainment and amusement — just the thing for a lonely creator who’s looking for a little distraction now & then.

See You At The Top!!!
