Gold, Gold, Gold!!!

At $650.00, this solid 14k gold ammy is Amazing, and hard-to-make!

I got an order for CQR ammies in 14k gold, something I haven’t done in years. First off, I went to my bezel-maker — on zoom, of course — and we discussed the present situation. Gold is very expensive, as you know, almost $2,000 an ounce, and it isn’t getting any cheaper.

On top of that, you don’t pay the melt-price for fashioned gold, like bezels, and the fancier the bezels are, the more you pay an expert to do it. There is no assembly-line for fine jewelry like this, and I won’t be able to make it much longer — the hands are tired.

So by the piece, with every price break I can get, I’m into a 14k fancy bezel amulet a LOT, meaning I only do this work per your order.

I don’t have a retail base anymore, let it go years ago, for fine gold jewelry. I just don’t make it anymore, with the singular exception of an occasional fancy 14k bezel like the ones I’m making now.

You can have any variation of ammy in the dollar-size, which is slightly larger than a dollar, the 39mm U.S. Dollar being the INSIDE dimension of the bezel.

I normally will mount your coin, or I’ll get one on your behalf and mount it, in a solid 14k fancy “real rope” design bezel, handmade in California.

For the CQRs, you can have them any size in fancy “real rope” solid 14k gold in the SMALL or dime-sized bezel or the CLASSIC dollar-sized bezel which, as I said, is slightly larger than a dollar, and the dime-sized bezel is likewise slightly larger than a dime.

Want a MEDIUM size 14k bezel? No problem, but you have to give me a whole MONTH to get the materials for it, that’s how long it takes to get the odd sizes of crystals and gold mountings.

On average, a Crystal Quantum Radio Amulet in a solid 14k gold “real rope” fancy bezel will set the retail customer back about $1250.00, less any discounts the retailer wants to throw in there.

Myself, I wouldn’t discount these. Anyone who can afford it can easily have it, and those who find the price staggering and insurmountable can always get the less expensive sterling silver variety, and if that’s still too much, they can get the wearable acrylic capsule necklace drop which is affordable by any standards.

It’s the same as a yacht. If you have to ask how much it costs to run it, you can’t afford it. I’ve made plenty of silver ammies and they’re available now.

Money? Peace? Harmony? Happiness? Contentment? All these things and more can be yours, but you have to work for it — they don’t come bumping up against you by themselves.

Putting on an ammy is your first step to freedom. The solid 14k gold ammy says you’re in it for the long haul.