Inferior Court Rulings???

I’m 82. I’ve seen a lot in those 82 years, but the corruption of the Supreme Court is a new one on me. Too bad. History will not be kind to the Roberts’ Court, but then, history won’t be around much longer, as we reverse our emergence and slowly draw down into the remainder of the Middle Ages.

Yep, that’s where we are. Just about to witness the destruction of all libraries and the closure of all places of learning. There is no cure for stupid.

If I announced my candidacy for President of the United States of America, there’s no law to prevent me from doing that, and once I’m a candidate, it gives me the same protection as a former President, and furthermore, as a private citizen, I outrank any President, but as a Presidential Candidate, I must assume that I’m as immune as a former President, right?

So I’m compiling a list of laws that I can break now that I’m immune like Trump. Oh, wait, he isn’t immune yet, is he?

The court still has to decide, but knowing how corrupt those Supremes are, and taking into account how they’ve decided for the past few years, I’m satisfied that they’ll vote in my favor, consequently, I’m taking a few steps in advance, starting with forgiveness for anyone who helps me with this plan, once they get caught in some sort of trial.

You see, if Trump is immune, a common citizen like me must be double-immune, because a private citizen outranks any public servant, and I’m as private as you can get and still interact with humanity.

Frankly, you can leave me out of it. Keep your immunity. I’m too busy composing blogs and writing poetry to bother about finding some laws to break.

I mean, that is what Trump did. He could have gracefully acknowledged his defeat, and run a legit campaign for next November, and maybe win a legitimate election, but he didn’t.

He’s too happy being a victim-clown. It’s too cold in a courtroom? What’s better, roasting in Hell?

So enough ranting for the moment.

Well, I will take an extra moment to mention my idea for a new release (October Drop) of a videogame I call “Immune”.

It’s a fast-action shooter, aimed at improving reaction time and accuracy, and it’s going to feature a bunch of almost-impossible-to-kill zombies, against a background of solid granite and pools of deadly hot lava, slime and water.

If you think the water is the safest of those choices, you’re wrong. The water is very hot, like the hot water Trump is currently in, in spite of his friends in the Supreme Court, who will break the law to save Trump’s hide.

I plan to record the soundtrack for the game sometime soon…

Okay, NOW it’s time to quit bellyachin’ and start repostin’.

You won’t believe what I stumbled into the moment I got on youtube:

Here’s a neat little walk that features swarming people, just what I wanted to find! This will make a great basis for one of our workshop experiments!

Let us implode into the street life in Taipei, Taiwan. Get immersed, and concentrate on the feeling that you are actually there!

There, wasn’t that refreshing? Now, how about another Bardo exploration?

Here’s a great example of how to make a Bardo Video for us.

See You At The Top!!!
