Tap Here For Instant Blessings

Compelling Copy.

I’m going to reveal some more secrets of marketing, as told to me by my Marketing Angel, Zadkiel.

I know these work, because I had experience with Vance Johnson Ad Agency in L.A. back in 1964-65 when I was also in art school.

In order for the gimmick to work in this case, I need a Genuine Spiritual Celebrity who is willing to take the flak that comes with any public exposure, and in this particular case, on behalf of IDHHB, I guess I’m it.

I’m not the kind of celebrity that people chase after for autographs, but I am well known and recognized in the world of New Thought and New Age Physics.

So if you tap on my photo and go to my IG page and tap on “follow”, you’ll receive Blessings in the form of a news feed, every day from then on, until you “unfollow”, in which case, be prepared for disaster — just kidding.

My Blessings improve upon but don’t take the place of natural karma. Continue reading