Doesn’t Our Goddam Government Just Plain Fucking Suck???

I Have Your Rockology Kits Ready to Ship — give me your order today!

I don’t ordinarily use language like that, but I’m learning from those folks who run the Federal Government, especially Anthony Scaramucci — “The Mooch” we used to call him, and of course Rashida Tlaib said it all … “We’re gonna go in there and impeach the motherfucker”, after a few high crimes & misdemeanors catch up with Trumpie-Poo.

Frankly, I wouldn’t impeach him and I hope he lives another twenty years. You wouldn’t want him to become a martyr to the Conspiracy Lobby.

Anyone who gives a shit about chemical trails or vapor trails coming out the tail end of your commercial jetliners is too weird to be allowed to walk the streets, and that’s mostly Trump’s much-touted “base”.

Trump is getting rich off the job of “President”. Frankly, I don’t care who profits.

I’m not AGAINST anyone in Washington, and I’m not FOR anyone, either. They’re all crooks, they’re all rotten to the core, they all lie, they all cheat, they all steal, and they all hate YOUR guts and they’re ALL out to get you, so duck & cover — it’s time to make a buck — that’s all the bastards will allow you to make — and maybe we’ll survive another winter without actual eviction onto the street. Continue reading