$1 Dollar, No Reserve

If you get the VAX, you turn into a zombie. Everybody knows that.

Yep, there it is in a nutshell. One dollar to open, no reserve, no gimmicks, no kidding. Time to find out, as an artist, if what you’re producing isn’t even worth a dollar to some kind hearted supporter.

But that’s exactly what IS going to happen to your ego if you attempt this Highly Spiritualized Daily Practice, and that’s the theme of my newest latest adventure on eBay, under the seller-name, RareAndUnusual, and you’re invited right now to come take a look at my treasures, lavishly displayed on my eBay seller’s store page, just as folks could be doing at yours, right now.

You could be doing the same thing I’m doing, and making passive cash in this very lucrative and exciting side-hustle.

I’m not in it for the money, although it’s definitely “easy” money. I’m in it for you. I want to show YOU how YOU can be creative, stay competitive, and work safely from home. Continue reading