Promoting the Ashram!

How do you promote a virtual ashram, and why?

I just knew you’d get around to asking those two questions today, and I’ve come prepared with two answers, one for each question:

Ashram Promotion

First of all, you promote a virtual ashram online, and provide a direct-as-possible path to the virtual ashram, by placing ashram buttons absolutely everywhere, reminding people that they can have a beautiful work life in a beautiful interdimensional space where folks from every part of the world can participate together as a community, a family of work.

Secondly, WHY you promote the virtual ashram is simply that it is a central meeting place for people from absolutely EVERYWHERE! Anyone who has a computer or a cell phone or some sort of mobile device can access Second Life and therefore create an Avatar and join us dancing on the lawn before the temple!

The whole idea is to make great looking thumbnails of the ashram, taken in the ashram, and they should be visually tagged – Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram – and get the idea across that it’s a great place to go during the day or deep in the night, to perform service, to sit in meditation, to chill, to meet with others.

So USE the ashram every day, make it a practice to spend at LEAST five minutes a day in the ashram — you can even enter, leave your Avatar plugged into the Tai-Chi exercise pod and go to work, come back and you’ve spent the day in a work environment at the same time you slugged it out at the workplace.

Gotta run, morning show time!

See You At The Top!!!



Powerful New Thumbnails

How about that??? It looks a whole lot better, and there are a zillion things I can create with virtual that I can’t afford to photograph in real — I do mean zillions of things, and it’s not just about virtual screenshots. Actually, I have a huge databank of photos as well, and I’ll explore that perhaps at the next work session. Continue reading