Remote Viewing All the Time

Orm McGill & EJ Gold perform at convention time.
Orm McGill & EJ Gold perform at convention time.

Actually, you’re Remote Viewing almost all the time. When you visualize anything that you don’t see in the nearby space, you’re casting out into Time/Space, and catching a hook into a nearby Time/Space, but it isn’t the same as the one you’re in right now, and that’s Remote Viewing, no matter how you look at it.

Whenever you think, “Now, where did I put my keys (or wallet or purse)???” you automatically start a process of sifting through cut-scenes, looking for that elusive article.

Once in a while, you’re get a startlingly clear picture of something that happened years or decades ago. Just imagine how much memory you’d have to be able to haul around in that body’s brain and nervous system, if you weren’t able to instantly connect up with the actual event and “remember” it by Remote Viewing it, usually a procedure that’s tagged “in the name of memory”, but memory it isn’t — it’s Remote Viewing the target as a present-time Remote View. Continue reading

Soul Bakers, Anyone?


Leslie-Ann in Pre-Halloween Witches’ Gear, at the “Soul Bakers” installation just in front of the Not-So-Secret Tibetan Mountaintop Temple — guess where???

Yep, they’re newly installed at the mountaintop near the Stasis Circle. You can’t miss it. What they’re for is when your Avatar has hit an achievement or an Initiation that you want to lock down at a First Stage Level (one step above organic human life), such as running an Orb to completion (ask what that means if you don’t know) or it could be that you got a job and want to set that in as a life-accomplishment. ASK before using, please, it makes a difference which color baker you employ for what purpose!

See You At The Top!!! As a matter of fact, that’s where I am now.
