Judith Spellcaster spellcraft app for iphone android iPod & more

It’s here at last! My Judith Spellcaster spellcrafting lessons are now available in a smartphone app. You can select which spell you want to learn and dance through a world of spellcrafting! The tradition invoked here is basically wiccan with a touch of sumerian and babylonian magic, kabbalistic magic and of course just a pinch of old-fashioned goofer dust, van-van wash and dragon’s blood mixed with a touch of black john the conqueror and 3-kings oil on a red-coated jumbo candle…


The principles utilized in spellcasting are very basic, and relate to their foundational base, which is, of course, the magic practiced in the distant past. What secrets did the ancients possess???

Ancient magic related strictly to daily needs, which meant food, shelter, protection from enemies and from the elements, protection from natural disasters, relief from famine, reduction of the infant mortality rate, extension of life past the natural 26 years offered by nature, and of course, sex, fidelity, recovery of lost love, and all the relationship things.

High Magic is generally used by men, because it’s the province of the state, controlled by the money people. It’s the kind of magic that supports large congregational church and temple services, and survives best in the traditions of the rosicrucians and masons, I suppose, although nobody has a good line on the real stuff anymore, in spite of claims to the contrary and, no, the Golden Dawn wasn’t all that hot either, nor Theosophy — the popular traditions of magic high or low tend to water down after a few generations of abuse by money-seeking opportunists who find their way into the organizations long after the progenitors went away.

Low Magic is the kind of magic that spellcasting generally is, practiced mostly by women simply because there are few opportunities for open empowerment for human females, so I’m told.

Uh-oh…  I’ve gotten myself in trouble here… I know I’ll hear from lots of folks about fire-jumping and village drumming, and I use those all the time in my ceremonies both public and private, but that isn’t my point at all. What I had in mind was the fact that magic is the tool of the disempowered. Like poison, magic is a woman’s tool, sometimes a weapon for revenge, sometimes a means of gaining power or protection, or of controlling a wandering lover, as men are wont to be… On the other hand, plenty of men would use magic if they knew about it. Mostly it’s kept secret from them, because as it is, they’re trouble enough.

Of course, rituals and ceremonies are totally prescribed here in the Land of the Free — meaning that your ceremony and beliefs had better conform to the local standards or you’ll be looking at burning religious ornaments of various kinds on your lawn, depending on where you decide to open your unpopular temple. So if your ceremony doesn’t happen to be one of those approved by Congressional Act and Mr. God Himself as interpreted by the local preacher, you might get some complaints from the Overlords of Churchianity.

They’ll tell you that practicing magic is witchcraft, yet when you point out that their ceremonies use exactly the same prayers and actions around the altar, they’ll tell you that you’re nuts. In this case, you’ve gotta obey at least one of the 3 Laws of Life as told by W.C. Fields;

Never give a sucker an even break.

You can’t smarten up a chump.

You can’t cheat an honest man.

With those three principles firmly in place before you, you can’t go wrong. Those basic Laws will keep you honest, and will ensure that you keep company with honest folk.

Judith Spellcaster is one of my favorite characters, a level 99 sorc that almost took 1st Place several seasons ago in Diablo 2. My Trapper Assassin, Gorebagg, has taken many prizes, but I wanted to try with a sorc. Somebody beat me by two lousy hours to the top rank.

I always liked Judith Spellcaster, and decided to incorporate her into my latest app game offering named after her, ie; Judith Spellcaster  which will be available as an app in our app store in a short while.