2FART4 CTF Level by GoreBagg


Special posting for Queen — you may share this with her:

I couldn’t resist making my own version of 2forts just to show that it could be done on the GODD engine, but then, when I got into it, I made some changes…quite a few…trying to keep the original layout of the very first TF1 games in Quake, before there was Quakeworld and high-speed internet. It’s a playable level. I hope you get as much joy out of it as I am. I’ve just added the mist in the sewers and NML (No Man’s Land in the middle), and a few mannable SGs in the sewers and flag rooms, requiring one or two engies to run them. Grapple can be enabled or disabled by the server admin. Kick & Ban are operative; teamtalk and talk are both enabled. Instant respawn can be toggled to a 10 or 20 second delay. I’m working on male and female characters for my CTF and Shared Adventures, as well as powerups, runes, charms, etc. and a large variety of magical & medieval weapons.