The Secret is Sharing

Note please that the above video has a quarter of a million views!

When Diablo III first appeared on the scene, it wasn’t immediately evident what use it might be in Afterlife Adventuring, Bardo Safaris and Shamanic Skill-Building. It lacks many of the features we found useful in Diablo II, but one difference makes it work. I’ll explain…

One major problem with Alternate Dimensions is that you can’t take something from one dimension into another, not usually. Using a gaming principle called “sharing”, you can share not only with others, but with yourself. In short, you can Will your Estate to Yourself across the dimensional barriers. The secret is how to share across dimensions. It isn’t easy, it takes some practice, and it’s worth more to you than anything you know about on Planet Earth.

You can use this function to bring yourself into The Work, to make your life more fun, more interesting, more rewarding and more work-useful, to make your body healthier and more robust, to fight against ADD, anorexia, apnea, depression and, as Morgan demonstrated, the training is an excellent ally in the struggle against Alzheimer’s and other debilitations of aging.

You can use Interdimensional Sharing for healing, spiritual travel and more.

I’ll teach you the how AND why of Interdimensional Sharing, if you enroll in my Live Online Workshops, which leave the Earth Dock every day!

Use this quick-link: enroll here