Humiliation as a Tool for Transformation

Which would you rather would happen to you…

1.     You bump into a wall trying to round a curve. You die and return to Start.

2.     You bump into a wall and hear a blaming, scolding mom-like voice saying, “Humiliation!”.

Why should you pay a heavy penalty like “death”, which means returning all the way back to “start” just for hitting a wall?

There will come a time when you will be required to run a level without touching the walls or you’ll die, but this is not then, and now it isn’t. See?

Humiliation can come in the form of Bronx Cheers, razzes, all sorts of holiday noisemakers as well as the usual run of fart sounds and burp sounds, including one particularly long and wet burp that will have you retching on the floor — it was performed by my friend Curtis “Booger” Armstrong in my recording studio on one especially fun visit.

Humiliation is a powerful tool, even more powerful than death & respawn as dealt out by nature and video games alike; humiliation goes beyond the grave.

Nobody likes humiliation and most would go to any lengths to avoid it, including efficiency and no-fail option performance. You’ll grow to like it.

That dreaded ever-present hauntingly familiar soundbyte awaits your pleasure, monsieur ou mademoiselle, when you do Prosperity!!!