49 Days Bardo Cleanser — It’s Here!!!


Finally. I’ve been working on this little beauty for quite a while — about 35 years has gone into it at the moment. I’m working on a full-bore Bardo Temple, with 7 giant halls, each with a rotunda and seven chambers with all your Bardo Buddies, like the Horse-Faced Girl and the Blue Round-Eyed Buzbug. Oh, yeah, they’re in there waiting for you. Only thing, there’s nothing in there that’s gonna harm you, mess you up, jump on you, drop on you from the ceiling, shoot you from a distance…nothing like that is going to happen. You can’t drown in the water or crisp yourself into bacon by plummeting into the hot lava. No level of violence at all. Sounds like a loser videogame without violence, eh? Wrong. You wait to see how many folks welcome a game that actually works to free them from organic slavery!

See You At The Top!!!
