Addiction, you say???

DISCLAIMER: Okay, under the pressure of tons of requests for it, I’m blasting away at “Addiction”. It’s a bit of a bear, however, I think I have a handle on it at the moment. I’ll be producing the custom soundbytes for the Addiction Orb tonight, and should have it ready for testing here in the Barn by tomorrow sometime in the afternoon. After that, it’s about 8 hours before it’s bundled into its installer and all that. In the meantime, it suddenly occurs to me that you might not know exactly how the Addiction Orb works and what it’s meant to do …

I’m in the same ballpark and, as a matter of fact, I don’t know that the thing will actually work, meaning make a dent on getting a handle on an addiction. Oh, I’ve made it so that it should work, but that’s never a guarantee of anything.

First of all, I want to go on record as saying that there is in my opinion no actual “cure” for addiction, any more than there is for alcohol or nicotine addictions, both of which happen to be legal addictions, as well as pharmaceuticals, pain killers and whatnots, all of which are readily available to the addict almost as easily as “street” drugs and “kick” substances such as sniffable glue, turpentine and other toxic materials, all of which have a strong place in our society today.

And where are drugs more obtainable than anywhere else on the planet? Why, in the prisons, of course. There’s a reason for that; prisons are breeding grounds for hardened criminals, which means repeat offenders, ripe for the plucking of gangs and mobs, which is why they allow the prison system to operate. Believe me, if they didn’t want it, it wouldn’t exist. Same with enforcement. It lives up to the standards of the underworld.

When I use the word “addiction”, I’m almost never referring to drugs or alcohol or cigarettes. Addiction, to me, means getting immersed deeply in something — it can be anything — that is harmful to myself and unwanted by myself.

See, if I liked it, even though others might tsk-tsk in my direction, and it didn’t actually hurt me — well, then, how is that an addiction? Some so-called addictions are called addictions by those who disagree with the things, not because they’re harmful, but because of some religious or philosophical stance.

That’s not a real addiction unless it meets the other criteria, which is to say, “harmful to myself” and “unwanted by myself”. Harmful to others, family-destroying and life-ruining are harmful effects, even if the immediate effect is not directly evident, such as a lush hoisting a drink to his lips with a towel draped around his neck and, yes, I’ve seen it and worse.

Some addictions are worse than others. There’s a gradient of destructive power to each and every type of addiction, but they all have one thing in common. They can be broken.

The secret is this:

You need to re-establish the space in which the addiction was begun, the very moment you decided to take that path and at that very moment, you need to take the other branch of that highway.

Easy to do when you have a path before you, especially the path I’ve built to take you on an otherworldly journey in another dimension, another time and place, another “you” far, far away in a parallel world.

But it is you, and that you is beating “addiction”. Nonspecific addiction-ness. And that is a function of Karma, direct-driven by Karma so my theory says, “reduce the Karma and you reduce the effect of Karma.”.

It’s not a cure; it’s not even a remedy. It’s a run through a series of options to reduce the effects of bad Karma by following a directed meditation through a 3-D environment, with “triggers” directed at your Higher Consciousness, suggesting a spiritual empowerment that can deal easily with worldly organic events.

Addiction that is chemical is very different and is the province of medicine, but even there, if the spiritual direction is missing, nothing much will happen, no matter how strong the chemical intervention. The craving comes from Karma.

Reduce the Karma, reduce the craving. Simple idea. We’ll see how well it works. Please keep in mind that this is NOT a substitute for any medical plan!!! It is an experimental Orb, made by me at the request of many, many folks on our spiritual path, and I offer it in the spirit of a guided meditation. I hope I no longer have to justify an unconventional spiritual method by saying, as used to be required by law, “Sold only for amusement,” or “Weirdness”, an actual heading for spiritual books in bookstores all over the US back in the 1960s!!!

Anyhow, please, please, please, don’t anyone take the Addiction Orb as related to medical issues or chemical issues. It isn’t intended to deal with those things. It is designed to deal with the addiction-ness itself, driven by bad Karma, see? It might or might not have other effects related to problems that stem from addiction-ness, but addiction is not well understood today.

Addiction is formed by habit. Habits don’t come from nowhere, they’re consciously made, usually very early-on.

Technically, there is a dependency on something or someone, and it’s troublesome or downright destructive to self and others. I think that’s a pretty wide definition of “Addiction”, but it needs to cover a lot of territory, because the subject is very fluttery and not well-defined at all.

For instance, not one scientist today would deny that the scientific evidence gathered over the past century about reincarnation, along with marvelously and meticulously annotated personal accounts of reincarnation cases living today with perfect memory of previous lives, yet the fact is that no current method of handling addictions takes into account in any serious way the effect of past lives on the present one.

Also, after finding the Higgs, nobody today would argue against infinite parallel worlds, yet no scientific knowledge seems to exist of the effect that living in other worlds would have on someone in this world — meaning that they are at the effect of their parallel lives, and that’s where the effort needs to be applied to break the addiction. It literally comes from Out of This World.

Then again, there are effects from departed and ethereal spirits, some not so nice and others well-intentioned but capable of creating addiction issues in someone who is subjected to their influence, such as in hauntings of the third kind, where the haunt actually invades the body of the subject and yes, it really happens.

Can you tell me what serious method of handling addictions takes into account your sun sign, lunar and rising, or uses a progressed chart to help you handle astrological issues that could easily trigger a Karmic Event, ie; relapse into the addiction.

And how many scientific systems of handling addictions directs the Higher Essential Self to the problem, so that it can be handled from the Spirit downward, rather than by mental effort alone. It has no place in science or medicine and certainly should not replace treatment by professional medical staffers, but like chicken soup, it couldn’t hurt to add it to the mix of professional help, get it?

Sex Addiction, Boyfriend Mania, Social Addiction — those are generally non-chemical, and might be handled well by this thing, but I dunno. Hopefully, some professionals in our circle will give me feedback and some guidelines to further develop the Addiction Orb. Keep in mind that it is being published in the spirit of sharing scientific information, and that I am hoping that pioneers in the field of reincarnation and parallel worlds will find uses for it and share comments with me about what they’d like to see in it and what they’d like to see it do.

Here’s the bottom line: I made this Orb with many reservations, all of which stem from the thought that someone might take it to mean medical or actual healing. Forgive the all-caps, but it’s the only way: IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE MEDICAL INTERVENTION. It’s just a guided meditation that might add some force to the intention to quit an addictive habit that’s driven by Karma, and that’s all it is. Use it in good spirit!

See You At The Top!!!
