Yes, but are you Perfect???

According to many self-styled experts on the subject, it isn’t enough to be Mostly-Perfect, you hafta be totally 100% Perfect in order to get into Heaven. I say that’s a bunch of horse-puckey. First of all, anybody can be Perfect. It’s proving that you’re Perfect that counts, and that, of course, is impossible, because part of Perfection is being humble, and humility is not what Proving Your Perfection is all about. It’s really quite simple. I’ll explain:

First, let’s take the subject of Perfection. Then Heaven. And Hell, too, if you’ve a mind to go there. Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.

Okay, Perfection. It’s a worthy goal, indeed. All the Best Religions recommend it. But how is it to be achieved? Is it not the result of a long, arduous journey, full of tears and sorrow, blame and shame, humiliation and surrender? Or is that a bunch of dingo’s kidneys, too?

There are enough books on the subject of Perfection to fill a small town library. The hamlets are full of them. Even the Best Seller bookstores will have their fill of self-help books on Perfection, and none of them will be right.

And the reason they predictably won’t be right is that nobody has a clue how to run Perfection, and there’s no reason to expect they would.

After all, I’m the one who wrote the level, and if anybody knows how it runs, it’d be me.  It used to take many arduous years in the Way of the Fakir, the Way of the Monk, the Way of the Yogi and the Way of the Fourth, but my way, the Way of Prosperity, there is now the Insta-Fix Perfection Orb, with which Total Perfection can be achieved in less than a minute, at least in the universe in which you’ll be operating, so if you lived there, you’d be cool and righteous and ready for Heaven, which brings me to the next level, if you’ll pardon the pun.

What pun? You’re right, of course. There was no pun. So, we’ll mosey right along into the Streets of Heaven, and why not?

Heaven takes a little longer to run than Perfection, but there’s a lot to see. You’ll want to visit all the Heavens, except of course, the Heaven of Perfected Ones. They think they’re the only ones up here. Hell is also available, but on a need-to-suffer basis.

Heaven is within easy reach.

It’s as easy to reach as your next urthgame download.

See You At The Top!!!
