Hell in a Breadbasket

Now, at last, you no longer need travel down the Blacktop-Paved Highway of Good Intentions to get to Hell; you can download it and jump right on into the fire and brimstone right away! Why wait? Avoid the Christmas Rush! Experience Hell today!

Quite seriously running through a Fear Object like Hell or Death or Hair Loss can reduce its power immensely! Try it, you’ll like it! See You At The Top!!! — gorby

Yes, but are you Perfect???

According to many self-styled experts on the subject, it isn’t enough to be Mostly-Perfect, you hafta be totally 100% Perfect in order to get into Heaven. I say that’s a bunch of horse-puckey. First of all, anybody can be Perfect. It’s proving that you’re Perfect that counts, and that, of course, is impossible, because part of Perfection is being humble, and humility is not what Proving Your Perfection is all about. It’s really quite simple. I’ll explain:

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