PLC — Past Life Connectors — How To Use Them


I’ve been employing PLCs for some time now in our training program, but if you haven’t yet completed your SuperBeacon Strapper Induction Course, you have no idea what it is to which I am referring, so I’ll explain:

Past Life Connectors are simple devices to hook you up with your past lives. Nothing could be simpler — these are high-density psychometric objects that existed in past civilizations, such as coins, scarabs, pendants, terra-cotta fragments and more, all very inexpensive items, as compared to complete sculptures, etc.

I find the hottest psychometrics at the lowest market price. The very cheapest are those that I found with my Kovak Metal Detector, but the number of self-found items is very low compared to the number of folks who want to obtain them, so I have raided my collection of bought items (mostly from 1972-1981) to get more of them out the door and into your hands for your Past Life Connections.

I’ll be showing some of the easier items to work with on live camera, this coming weekend. Watch for my eBay listings on insaneinvestor!

See You At The Top!!!
