Where Is It Coming From?

Habits, habits, always the habits. There are only 128 slots in the Habit Folder, so if you want to change a habit, you’ll need to do it BY REPLACEMENT. That’s the only way.

Now if a slot remains unfilled, it automatically defaults to the DF — the Default Habit, which you already know well enough to satisfy several lifetimes. Each slot repeats itself many times a day, and between them all, they force human activity on a social scale.

Most folks have only one or two actual habits that were formed this lifetime, generally at a very young age, usually copying a favorite aunt or uncle. The large majority of habits are PHANTOM HABITS coming to the present from past lives.

These past life habits, upsets and pains are totally phantom, unrelated to the present organic body, but they’ll continue to nag, push and pull, tug on you, until you can release yourself from their grip, which you can now do, with my new INFLUENCE DECK and the method of release which is included in the purchase price of $100.

Many organic habits like smoking, drinking and scratching originate in the distant past, even in different parallel and not-so-parallel universes, but you can’t identify them without some sort of tool, and that’s what my new INFLUENCE DECK is all about.

Most people don’t realize it, but they have only a very few TYPES of upsets — they always follow the same pattern, and PHANTOM PAINS, which are pains that are not related to any present-life physical conditions.

These PHANTOM PAINS and PHANTOM UPSETS are almost always the direct result of PAST LIFE INFLUENCE, and can only be tracked down and isolated if you have a tool that will look in those places, and my INFLUENCE DECK definitely does do that.

If you have a PAST LIFE SOURCE of PHANTOM PAIN or GHOST UPSETS and you try and try to locate the present-life source of that, you’ll run on empty — there’s nothing there to grab hold of, to hold onto — or there wasn’t, until the advent of my INFLUENCE DECK.

You perform a ten-card layout to identify the card. It’s as simple as A, B, D. The PLS DECK and the LRS DECK are activated in the same way, which involves TRUST that the right card will pop out of the deck at the right time, and it will.

You can listen to my account of the Case of the Missing Tarot Card, but I’ll bottom-line it for you. In a public demonstration of a Tarot reading at Alice’s Restaurant — yes, there really was one, in South-Central L.A., where some of the great deals went down — the 10 of wands kept coming up for the client.

He demanded a reshuffle three times, and all three times plus the first time, the ten of wands came out as a FINAL OUTCOME.

When I got to my car, before unwrapping the silk from the deck, I noted that there was a tarot card in the glove compartment of our Druidmobile — the Galaxy 500, and lo & behold, it was a ten of wands.

Thinking I had two ten of wands, I searched the deck, found no ten of wands, counted the cards, asked Jan if she would double-check me, and sure enough, no ten of wands in the deck, only in the glove compartment.

I can explain it, but wouldn’t bother — either you had a similar experience or you didn’t.

You can’t see what you can’t see, and PRESENT LIFE IMPINGEMENT is the painful and annoying result — your life is riddled with misery and pain, largely because you’re subject to PAST LIFE INFLUENCES and you can’t do anything about them because you can’t see them or identify them without a scorecard. Well, now you have one.

You get an upset with NO APPARENT CAUSE, and that means you can’t reach the cause and stop the thing from happening again and again.

You need to return to the MOMENT OF CREATION of the upset, and that means going back to ATLANTIS, ANCIENT ROME, ANCIENT BABYLON or PLANET TEN to get total access to the thing.

Merely TOUCH the CORRECTLY IDENTIFIED INFLUENCE CARD with the CORRESPONDING ARTIFACT, which is the PENDANT you’re wearing, the one that is presumably from the correct culture or world targeted.

With a simple TOUCH of the artifact, you can make the PHANTOM PAINS, PHANTOM UPSETS and PHANTOM HABITS just plain go away.

You can’t disconnect, pull the plug, unless you can SEE the connection, and that’s what the INFLUENCE DECK will help you do. It works first time, every time.

Infallible. You will have your answer within seconds, to the magical question of a lifetime — WHERE IS IT COMING FROM???

If you can SEE where it’s coming from, you can disconnect it, be FREE of it forever.

I have artifacts for every culture represented in the deck, and more. You will easily learn how to apply the remedies, and you’ll find the INFLUENCE DECK to be an invaluable asset in learning how to DISARM and DISABLE the PHANTOM EFFECTS of past lifetimes.

With good coaching, great results can happen! As in all healings, some repetition may be indicated.

Most people never ask the questions that lead outside The Box. They spend their entire lives never venturing beyond 10 miles from where they were born and raised and lived and died.

The BODY OF HABITS is beyond the reach of anything in the lower hemispheres, by which I mean that they are out of reach, more or less like Deep Levels of the Self, which are not particularly reachable by ordinary means, but very reachable through a series of Initiations, about which we’ll talk more.

Keep in mind that for every excursion outside the body, you must have some way to get “out of phase” — it’s all in the phase factor.

Getting out of phase is extraordinarily easy — you merely tweak time/space just a teensy weensy bit, something that can be accomplished using the PLS METHOD.

You’re wearing an artifact connected to the Target Time Frame. You’re handling a card that carries an image tied to the same Time Frame.

You’re using ATTENTION to connect those up with the present Time Frame, and in so doing, you’re weaving a very spiral path.

The Earth is spinning in a magnetic vortex, producing a spinning magnetic field. It’s also traveling around the Sun, which is traveling around the galaxy, which in turn is traveling around a group of galaxies which are turning round and round over a period of many billions of years.

It creates a wobbly path through several fields, notably the Higgs, which creates a distortion effect, and that makes an opening in the World Membranes through which you can travel or just take a look with Remote Viewing skills.

Speaking of skills, they also have their roots largely in PAST LIVES.

With the right actions, you can recover entire bodies of skills that you once had back in ancient times, all within seconds of contact with the Target Space/Time.

It’s so easy, all you need is to IDENTIFY THE SOURCE.

The small Roman town of Bari is just to the East and slightly North of Rome, which was then a city of some three million citizens, plus slaves and freemen, and you were there, and while you were there, you set in some habits, no doubt about it, and most of those habits are still operating.

By going to that space, by TOUCHING THAT SPACE with the artifact and the card, you will be able to access the exact moment in which the upset or habit was formed, and thus be able to disarm it, to disconnect it, to be free of it.

The Einstein-Rosen Bridge that results from the ZZS Effect — Zig-Zag & Swirl, which creates a rotating magnetic field of subatomic particles and energy balls — makes a tweak possible.

You can enhance this ZZS Effect by using a magnetic field in the first place, adding several specific frequencies of radio wave, and getting a Touch Effect out of the ARTIFACT or several ARTIFACTS you might be wearing, carrying or using in an Altar Placement.

The SECRET is in the CARDS, the PENDANT and the other items in the Contact Pack that give you access to the time/space coordinates you need to make the Wormhole happen.

This micro-wormhole creates the effect of REMOTE VIEWING. You don’t have to lug your Astral Body around to Remote View. You’re just looking through a camera, as if you’d sent a personal drone to another dimension to take a look around.

If you know what you’re doing, you can not only look around — you can communicate and again, we’ll talk about this aspect later on, when you’re actually working with it.

UPSETS are common, and we assume, almost always wrongly, that the SOURCE of the upset is somewhere in the present time, the present life.

If you have a pain, an upset, a vague and unspecific fear or worry, you feel that some sort of vague unpleasantness is slowly creeping toward you — something bothers you but it doesn’t show anywhere — it may be a PAST LIFE IMPINGEMENT that remains invisible to you.

PAST LIFE IMPINGMENTS can also occur from experiences in parallel worlds, and they’re operating on you ALL THE TIME.

You’re always UNDER THE INFLUENCE and 90% of the time, you remain unaware of it, and therefore unable to change it.

In order to change it, you have to be able to see it, and in order to see it, you have to be in the same space and time, and that means IDENTIFY THE SOURCE.

You do it with the cards. Those incredible INFLUENCE CARDS showing EXACTLY WHERE THE UPSET OR HABIT IS COMING FROM, and that’s the key you need to handle absolutely every problem you have in life.

We assume that our habits are formed in this lifetime, but that often isn’t true. Pains and ailments and being prone to illness and confusions are not necessarily coming from this lifetime, and if it takes years to build something up for good or for bad, it might not have happened in this lifetime.

You need to find the SOURCE of the pain or habit, and that could be in ancient Rome, Greece, Babylon or some other remote culture in time and space.

Discovering the SOURCE of an upset will help you resolve the upset, but what if the upset originated in Ancient Sumer or Chichen-Itza?

The incredible INFLUENCE DECK I have created for you is just what you need to identify the SOURCE of the upset or habit and CHANGE IT.

CHANGING it is easy, and I cover that in each and every workshop I do, but making the correct IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOURCE OF THE UPSET OR HABIT is vital, and that’s why I invented this tool, which I call the INFLUENCE DECK.

It gives you the KEY to the SOURCE.

It’s so easy to assume that an upset has its roots in our past, and it’s certainly true, but not necessarily our RECENT past, and present-life roots are rarer than you’d think.

One of the most impressive things about my friend Fritz Perls was his willingness to consider that the source of most neuroses are in the DISTANT past, even billions of years in the past.

Sometimes the SOURCE of your present upset or habit is located in the Third Bardo, a common situation for those charged with human incarnation.

Hey, if you’re looking for the sources of present day upsets and habits in the present life only, you’ll run into a problem — there’s often nothing there.

If you MUST find the source of an upset in the present life and there isn’t one there, you can force the subject to invent a source of an upset, thus further confusing the situation and making repair harder to achieve.

Laying down the foundation for this PAST LIVES and PARALLEL UNIVERSE inquiry for the purpose of altering your HIGHER HABITS — the ones that live in your ESSENTIAL SELF, I remind you that in typing schools, the classic method to squeeze the errors out of the typing is to deliberately repeat the error, many times.

This is very important.

What this does is, it brings the FORMATORY EVENT, the original event where you formed that particular habit — in this case, a letter “k” for the letter “d”, let’s say — and you intentionally and consciously and deliberately repeat the error over and over again for a few minutes.

Only when you’re IN THE SPACE OF THE ORIGINAL CREATION OF THE HABIT can you access the Habit.

It might take a few minutes to achieve the space of the formation of the habit, and can sometimes take longer.

You hit the space where the habit was created by GETTING TO THAT SPACE with the SAFE help of the INFLUENCE DECK, then try to get it right.

Once you arrive at the SOURCE of the upset or pain or habit, you ISOLATE and MAGNIFY — this is covered in much detail at ANY workshop or clinic, and we look at this action all the time in training, so you’ll have plenty of opportunity to knock out bad habits and take down upsets and “PHANTOM PAINS”, pains which are unrelated to physical condition.

The INFLUENCE DECK was not made with the public in mind. It is intended for professional PAST LIFE COACHES to use in their spiritual therapy work and workshops.

In short, it is a thoroughly professional deck that is NOT intended to land on the common public market, so it has NONE of the flashy “selling points” of commercial tarot decks and the like.

It is emphatically NOT a tarot deck. It is a set of cards that are quantum-connected by the action of The Law of Similarity.

In addition, they take advantage of SURFACE INFORMATION, which is important in the quantum world — in a sense, any solid is a surface with nothing inside it, just voidness.


This is one Truth you’ll have to keep under your hat.Meanwhile, how to get rid of all those bad habits, especially the powerful ones that seem to keep reasserting themselves???

A HABIT is not necessarily an action cycle — it’s a formatory item, something that was made, adopted or copied from another, and it got stuck in the organic brain.

As a result of your existence in an organic form, the subtle and elusive HABTS can be accessed and altered through the clever use of the INFLUENCE DECK.

The INFLUENCE DECK — which consists of 80 full-color EXTRA-LARGE UV coated CARDS was specially formulated to give you access to formatory habits so you don’t have to actually manifest or act out the habit you want to change.

The deck sells for $100 plus postage. It comes with a fancy zip-lock bag and a certified genuine shipping carton with YOUR PERSONAL NAME AND ADDRESS on it. No other guarantee is expressed or implied.

Quite seriously, to quote MAD comics, “Your money back if not 100% satisfied, but we’re pretty sure we’ll be 100% satisfied with your money”.

Couldn’t resist that bit of nostalgic humor from the pages of MAD circa 1953-54, when it was a color comic book and not a magazine.

As an aside, I have a complete set of the comic books, if anyone’s interested in buying it to resell it — ish #1 is complete but has some damage to the cover — all the other issues are in great shape, and the set is priced to sell FAST!!! Back to our subject:

Don’t forget that the only way to change a habit is to replace it with another one. Make sure the one you plug in there is better than what you have at present.

Later on, as you learn more, you can swap them out for even better work habits.

After a while, this works. Be patient, it does take the same time to break down a habit that it took to build it up — that’s anywhere from a few minutes to a few weeks of continual reinforcement. We’ll talk about that later on, as well, but for the meantime, “reinforcement” simply means doing whatever it is, many many times.

Repetition is the key to a lot of incredible things, but mindless robotic repetition leads nowhere, and I don’t mean the GOOD “nowhere”, either.

If you’re living with a set of bad habits and you want to change them, nothing could be simpler, as long as you’re in a body — once you enter the Between-Lives-State, you run “as-is”, meaning that there is no adjustment at that time that can be made — you’re stuck with what are.

That can change, if you’re lucky enough to be incarnated AND you have the sense to do the work needed to bring about those changes, which when made up into the Body of Habits, become more or less permanent.

Oh, don’t get your hopes up — all that means is that you can now work harder than ever before and serve The Work even better. It’s not about you at all, it’s all about the Mission, and if you can’t live with that and for that, you got a problem.

The reason you got a problem is that Great Nature plays a tweaky little joke on humans. You live, you learn and by the time you HAVE learned enough to understand what the game is, it’s too late — you’re too old to do more than shuffle around, and then you die.

Oh, sure, you go on to the next life, but generally in deep, deep sleep.

That’s okay, don’t panic — there’s sort of a “gong” sound that goes off at some point in every life you live, even some of the denser ones, and that guarantees that upon the sounding of said gong, you will report to the nearest Work Station, “on the double!”.

They’ll pass you on to the right Recruitment Center, where you’ll receive indoctrination and be made ready to serve The Work.

Oh, don’t freak out. Indoctrination just means “enough information to satisfy the basic requirements of effective and efficient service”.

You’ll need to know not only the evidence of habits but the REMEDIES for them, and that means information, experiential handling and work on yourself — you need to be powerful enough to be able to help others.

You will need to know how to APPLY  the REMEDIES to bad habits, and to help others to repair their own BODY OF HABITS and restore HIGHER FUNCTIONS such as Remote Viewing and Astral Travel, which means you’ll have to be able to do it yourself before you can teach others to do the same!

Well, golly, I guess that means you’ll need some online and in-person PAST LIFE COACH training and CERTIFICATION.

TPast Life Coaching is the ULTIMATE SELF-HELP COURSE because it requires that the COACH undergo the same BODY OF HABITS COURSE.

This could be the most important self-help and other-help you can give, because Past Lives and Offworld Influences are always injecting themselves into the everyday life.

They IMPEDE and INFLUENCE you all the time, but so invisibly and so seamlessly that all you know is that you feel forced to react the way you do, and you can’t help being who you are and what you are, and given the power of the Body of Habits, you’re absolutely right to insist that there’s nothing you can do about it.

That’s the feeling, of helplessness and despair. You want to give up, just quit trying, but that’s because you’ve been trying to ELIMINATE bad habits, and you can’t. All you can hope to do is to replace them with good habits that are their equal in power and force.

It’s possible, but you can’t do it with ordinary methods.

You need the PLS and LRS decks plus the INFLUENCE deck to get it straight and work out the lumps and bumps.

Your BODY OF HABITS and higher functions are reachable. Use my CARD DECKS to prove it to yourself. It CAN be done. It WILL be done, and YOU can do it!

A full set of instructions is provided with each and every workshop. I’ll go over the stuff in today’s Morning Show as well.

All you need to do is put the artifacts together to make them activate — the deck, the pendant, the candle & power base and your SUPERBEACON with the OVERTHRUSTER plugged in, to leave you hands-free to operate the DECK, CRYSTALS and CANDLE with its POWER BASE.

These all work to free you of upsets and bad habits, and help you establish good and friendly work-habits that will stay with you throughout your future incarnations.

Remember that while in the Between-Lives State, your habits are frozen in place. You can’t change them there, only within an incarnation, and it’s not wise to waste incarnations by just mucking about looking for the latest turn-on.

IDENTIFY THE SOURCE means you need some way to do that, and the INFLUENCE DECK is the only way you’ll ever find to be able to do that to a 100 percent degree of precision.

Getting it exactly right is what it’s all about.

Once you’ve ISOLATED the SOURCE, you can DISARM the upset, phantom pain or habitual actions that you’ve targeted for change.

There isn’t a habit, phantom pain or past-life upset that can’t be accessed and disarmed easily and without a big fuss. This is not mental therapy, nor is it psychology — it’s just simple operational facts that anyone can use to cut loose from past life impacts.

You don’t need to endure those past-life impingements anymore. Get the INFLUENCE DECK and be free of all past-life phantom pain, phantom upsets and phantom habits, all stemming from past-life experiences.

You just shuffle the INFLUENCE DECK, do a ten-card layout, and the FINAL OUTCOME is your Target Culture.

TOUCH the Target Card with the Artifact Pendant. This closes the TIME LOOP, and the connection will dissolve instantly. It may take several applications, but be patient, it will work.

With this deck, you can reach out into the past and TOUCH them away.

The INFLUENCE DECK can be ordered now, but will take about one month to get back from the printers — we have to order a copy, check it out and then approve it for publication, after which, you can purchase the deck and all the accompanying work tools that go with it.

You can find out more about SPECIFIC COMBINATIONS & CONFIGURATIONS of ammies and pendants and other work tools offered in my student store, by contacting any of our Senior Students here at The Home — uh, I mean “The Institute”.

See You At The Top!!!
