Instant Radiance Beauty Booster

My latest invention, the “God Particle Instant Radiance Beauty Booster” is now available. It works on the simple “Selfie Test”.

  • Take a selfie.
  • Now put on the God Particle Radiance Booster.
  • Take a second selfie with the Booster on.
  • Compare photos.

As you will see, the face is softer, which is a direct result of wearing the God Particle. Years of worry will vanish. The weight will come off. The energy will come back. The back will stop hurting so much, but mostly the Inner Radiance will come shining through, and that makes anyone look better, and don’t forget — spiritual values aside, it’s not how you feel, it’s how you look.

But the God Particle will also make you feel better, so there’s a double bonus! Get more than just a moment of Freedom. Make Freedom a habit.

Now order a bunch of these wholesale and get out there with the God Particle! You have a wide choice of types of wearables you can sell or resell.

You can also manufacture your own GP jewelry with a license agreement, to avoid shipping costs, import duties and other inconveniences, such as time factors — what if you need a thousand of them tomorrow?

When I don’t have to make them, and you license the God Particle productions and make them yourself wherever you are, you insure that the God Particle technology will persist, at least in your neighborhood.

Although there is a LOT of money to be made with the God Particle, I hope that it isn’t about money — it’s about helping people get over their fear of God and their resistance to Divine Help and Guidance.

When the Guardian Angel is invoked, things are better. When things get better, people get radiant, confident, happy and good-looking, and that’s the real secret behind Inner Radiance Beauty Boosters!

You don’t sell these things. You get people to generate their own personal evidentiary proof by taking two selfies with their own cell phones, and comparing the results for themselves.

Selling doesn’t get any easier than that.

Best of all, you can decide the price points that are best for your hometown and your circle of friends — when you license, you control all the expenses except the royalty for use of the software, which is so low, you won’t even notice it.

Make money by expanding the circle. Simple as that, and don’t feel at all reluctant to make money — you’ll need a lot of it to be able to afford what I’m going to have to do to your house to make it a candidate for Architectural Digest and Vanity Fair.

Hey, no kidding — this is the easiest “sell” in the world — beauty and personal radiance always sell, like Griswold Armor with 3 Open Sockets, you won’t be disappointed.

People will pay anything to look better, and I’ve got an Inner Radiance DOGGIE Tag for the MVP in the family — the dog, cat or other pet, any pet that typically wears a collar, or is willing to endure one for the sake of personal adornment.

I have a GENUINE DIAMOND, EMERALD, RUBY or SAPPHIRE Beauty Booster for pets, as well as a $175,000.00 18 karat granulation and high-grade Emeralds necklace — maybe you can get Tiffany’s to feature the product in their 5th Avenue shop this Xmas?

There isn’t a pricetag that you can create that is too high a price to pay for real, actual improvement of the face and figure, and the God Particle puts that in YOUR reach right now, today — get in touch!

Work out a deal and get involved today! Make a fortune and spread it around where it will do the most good!

At the same time, you’re earning Merit for your next journey! Keep the Faith!!!

See You At The Top!!!
