John & Toni


That’s John and me at some public event in the 1970s. We were in constant contact over the decade from 1967 through 1978.

Back in the early days, I’d walk over to Burgess’ house with them, or sit with Toni and her circle — yes, she had her own circle — while John floated or wrote a chapter in his latest book.

We did a short 16mm film about floating, but John and Toni were advisors, not film stars — I’ve no idea what happened to that film, but it showed some of the improvements on the tank.

John enlisted my aid in working with Dr. Hershel Toomim. He needed a reliable Alpha/Theta source to test his biofeedback gear, and I gladly spent several days in his lab with John supervising the whole procedure, making sure we had it right.

“John took father’s shoe bench out, meet me by the lawn,” I intoned — who didn’t know that magic formula at that time?

Discussion on couch near juice bar under skylight, “Sturgeon’s Law says 90% of everything is bullshit” floats through the atmosphere.

“Yeah, says Toni, “but that doesn’t guarantee that the other 10% isn’t bullshit.”

“Adrift in an ocean of uncertainty,” John was saying as he approached the group. We all got up and went outside to the sunning area, a small spot of lawn and furniture. Toni lay back in one of the chaise longues, and said “A drop of improbability in an ocean of uncertainty,” and John said in that characteristic deep soft growl, “We’ll have to work on that.”

John spoke eloquently on the absence of speech, sense and sensibilities, then we had lunch at the kitchenside bar.

“I’m going back in the tank,” John said over his shoulder. “Improbability cycles are tight.”

“See you at dinner,” Toni’s friend tossed out into the living room area.

“Very possibly,” John nodded, vanishing around the nearest corner.

See You At The Top!!!
