Yeah, this is what I’m talking about — this is how to market a book in today’s horrible social-media-driven book market.

It’s all about the author, no longer about the book.

That strange sighing sound is me, trying not to be disappointed in the thoroughly predictable direction that these humans are headed.

Here’s my humble offering in that arena of public dissemination, promotion and marketing.

Hey, I like free web-browser no-download no-waiting games. They cost nothing to deliver, unlike downloads of the games themselves, and they’re free to the user, and they don’t have to sign up for anything, join anything or commit to anything.

Just play the game.

Try it, and I guarantee one thing — you’ll laugh at least several times. These little browser games hidden around on our websites are challenging and fun, but they are also, at times, hilarious.

I’ll let you find your own fun moments from which, thanks to the magic of “share screen” on ZOOM, anyone can now make little movies.

It’s nothing to capture some footage — about half a minute will do — and use your “One Shot” editor to make it into a 60-second-or-less vertical video on youtube.

Think of that posting of that tiny video as an UNPAID ad — a freebie.

If you’re lucky, as in you seem to always walk away from a casino with your pockets bulging with chips, you might get a million hits on your “shorts” ad.

If you’re like most non-professional youtubers on youtube, you will receive something on the order of 3 views, all of which were you, trying to see if it works all right.

Now if you aren’t happy with three views, you need to do at least one of two things. You need to do a BUNCH of little videos, hoping that one of them will land on the “shorts shelf” for more than a minute and a half, which is the fate of most #shorts.

The other thing you’ll have to do is get better at making and naming your shorts, and learn what a KEYWORD is, what it REALLY is, not what you THINK it is.

You might consider hiring someone to promote your video, which is still several steps away from where you want to take your viewers, which would land on your TARGET website, right?

Okay, so be aware that only by trial-and-error are you going to succeed, if you ever do, at hitting this particular jackpot.

The fact remains that it is possible today to hit 1 million views with a short from an unknown maker on a new channel. It is still possible, but it won’t be for long, so this is the time to motivate your butt and get up off that couch and buckle yourself snugly into your work-station and start making and posting zillions of shorts until you get one that works, and it gets over 1 MILLION views in less than a week.

Now comes the really tricky part:

Make another. That’s right, do it again. And again. If you’re strictly a one-hit wonder, you won’t make the grade.

1 million views? You’ll need 64 million views for every new posting, and that means at least one per week, each one getting tens of millions of views.

Can’t be done, you say?

Bushwah. Of course it can, and it’s being done all the time. Look, here’s how to tell if the person giving you the advice about increasing your traffic.

Look at their numbers.

If someone is telling you about web traffic from a page that has 10 views, and it’s been up there for over a year, you need to pull yourself out of it, and take a good look around.

You can do a LOT better promoting a book, DVD or CD or a course or lesson by PAYING MONEY for the ads.

Not that you’ll have any better luck. You’ll never make back what you put out in promotion — you have to find a way to write it off and get double the benefits, just to catch up with yourself.

That’s why I recommend the “no money” advertising campaign. Of course, it helps if you can reach an “Influencer”, but I don’t know any, except you.

See You At The Top!!!
