Sport of Kings

I’ve started a new flip art direction, which I’ve called “The Dead Emp Series”, because I use a bunch of my hand-engraved “BoHo Nickels”, in the form of 2,000 year old Roman Bronze AE type coins.

I’ve altered them slightly, to render the emperor pictured on the coin clearly dead. It’s more or less a skull-out of the king.

A Dead-Emp Token is an all-day everyday reminder that as rich as you can possibly become, as powerful and as almighty as anyone can be in the Earth-Plane, in the end, you will be reduced to ashes, if not now, then when the sun explodes, and rest assured, it will.

Your Dead-Emp Token will function as a link to GROUND, giving you the ability every day to adjust, accommodate and adapt to anything that comes your way.

The Dead-Emp Token puts it all in perspective, or as my friend Jim Morrison said to me one rather late morning, “We’ll never get out of here alive.”

I suspect you’ve noticed that, or you wouldn’t keep reading this. Well, I’ve got good news and bad news:

The good news is, you’re not only not the only one, but then the bad news is that, as it turns out, you are the only one.

I know that sounds complicated, but the fact is that there is only one here. Everything else is an illusion.

It’s hard to remember that fact, unless you happen to have a Dead-Emp Token nearby, and that’s why you should order one today, and when it arrives, keep it handy and in sight somewhere, perhaps on your altar, or in the kitchen or on or around your computer, or even tucked away in your non-digital wallet.

Also on my workbench are the first four “Indian Guide” series, which use the temporal gap distortion effect along with the engraved Indian Head penny’s Induction Ring effect, making it a great trigger and link to the Indian Guides of 19th century seances fame.

I used the image of a wigwam even though I am well aware that a Hogan or Lodge would be more appropriate, but there just isn’t room enough on the flip for anything but a hint of ethnicity in the environment.

Another line of endeavor is happening with my engraving-tool pennies, quite apart from my hand-engraved coins that were carved by hand — the engraving tool is a machine, something you can easily find at an art supply store or online.

I use it to sketch on dark pennies, making a very interesting effect. This is then captured in a flip and the flip painted to suit my fancy.

At the moment, I haven’t decided on a fixed design for them, but I’ll let you know as soon as something shows up on my workbench.

In addition to all this, I’ve also developed out hundreds of uniques and series flips, some of which contain cheap coins, and some are horribly pricey due to the scarcity of the item contained.

Once in a while, there’s a fabulous piece that shows itself in the mainstream of production. This I elevate by framing, and I will offer the best of the best at our Easter Workshop, where I will have a very large collection of 2,000 year old and 6,000 year old ancient beads for sale very, very cheap.

Flips can be used to hold anything that fits in a flip.

Think what that could mean. If you have even the smallest slightest wisp of imagination, you could fly with that concept all the way to Heaven.

What I mean is, there’s a lot there to be discovered. Flips are used for coins, and most flip users have less than zero in the imagination department, which is why they’re involved in an obsessive-compulsive hobby like numismatics or coinology.

It’s okay to be obsessive-compulsive if you can take off that hat when you get up from your jewelry workbench.

When you’re making something that will go on someone’s body and stay there for a while, you wan to make sure that nothing will stab your customer in back, at least not coming from your jewelry.

It’s at the end of the job that detail comes in handy. You need to inspect your work with an objective eye, and if you can’t handle Objective Prayer, how in the hell are you going to balance your objectivity when it comes to your own precious work product?

In short, you need a modicum of cool, without the urge to control things, to make things go your way.

Why should they go your way?

There’s a bit of lyric from Kenny Rogers’ album “Calico”, where a dying silver prospector begs “Write me down….don’t forget my name”.

So they wrote him down and didn’t forget his name, but not long after that, they also died and nobody passed his name on, so it got buried in the fog of the past.

And what if his name were chiseled in stone? What if his name survived the ultimate destruction of the universe?

So what? Big deal.

The main task of the soul in training on Planet Earth is, “Get Over Yourself.” That goes double for Putin.

Oh, that’s one more thing I’m working on — a videogame called “Shutin Putin”, a sort of play on sounds.

Well, if there are no further questions, I’ll be back to my workbench to paint some more flips. Did I tell you how much FUN it is to paint flips??? Well, it is. Order hundreds, and I’ll happily paint them over the weekend — I could easily have gotten a job as a Chinese Wage-Slave Factory Laborer, but the arts won out over job security.

Oh, we’ve shared out some of our Herbes Provencal in one ounce Clear Bag packages, and they look swell! Haven’t yet figured out labeling, but it occurred to me that you might have a glass container or somewhat to put them into.

In the case of the salts, you want a small silver bowl and spoon, as you’d have at a Kosher dinner, perhaps — certainly at our house you’d have one.

I don’t believe in salt shakers. They’re treacherous, and besides, you have to grind the salt up to get it through those pathetic little holes in the shakers.

I use a Pizza Hut Cheese Shaker, but it tends to overkill, yielding about 200 times the amount of table salt I’d hoped for.

So today, I’m going to look at the various salts I use most often.

One that I know I will recommend is my Kosher Salt Flakes. Boy, is this Really Jewish Thing scarce and hard to find, it’s somewhat seasonal, if you’ll pardon the pun, so I can only get it in months that rhyme with “W”.

Anything else? Oh, yeah, my Princess Project, in which I restore ancient necklaces that once belonged to you, at a bargain price. And about my various flip tokens, I say nothing — you can find out more about them at our morning Zoom meetings.

Meanwhile, let the old men who start the wars fight the wars.

See You At The Top!!!
