The World Next Door


It’s now accepted truth that there’s a World Right Next Door; actually, an infinite number of alternate universes existing in the same space as this one, separated only by frequency. A slight shift, and you’re in another dimension. The two main types of worlds, Einsteinian and Quantum, exist independently but create effects upon one another as a result of “jiggle”, a slight wandering off-frequency, called in radio operator’s terms, “drift”. The two worlds can be connected by a variety of technical applications, one of which is the SuperBeacon, another the Matrix and a third, the Amulet. These can appear in virtual or actual form, and the similarity of form causes a Coupling Factor according to the Law of Similarity, and through the actions of the PLAYER in orbs to create an intentional QED (Quantum Entanglement) Coupling Factor, by wearing an Amulet, placing a Matrix and using a SuperBeacon before running an orb, which has within it similar items contained in the models section. Acting out, dramatizing virtual effects in actual space can be amazingly effective…see photo above; that’s me, in our shipping department, making sure our shipments to Alternate Dimensions get through the Klingon Blockade!!!

See You At The Top!!!


Evolution or Creation???

There are thousands of arguments for and against evolution, for and against creation, for and against “other”; they’re all so darn* smug, but none of them have got it right. The Evolutionists seem to believe that man evolved (see below for expansion on this comment). This is simply not true, and I can prove it any day of the week at any Raley’s supermarket or Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s and Toys-R-Us on December 24th of any year; there’s not a single speck of evidence that they’re evolved from anything. The Creationists, on the other hand, are equally convinced that the world is 4000 years old and that everything was created by the hand of God; they’ve got it almost right, but again, they miss the mark on the button. Want to know the real answer?

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So What IS The Big Secret, Anyway???


Depends on what you’re looking for. If it’s merely sex and seduction you’re after, the Big Secret is Availability. Means, Motive & Opportunity. Most folks think it’s about Beauty, Fashion, Perfume, Hip-Swivel & High Heels, but it’s not. Merely being available is 99%.  If, on the other hand, you had something a little more spiritual and uplifting and … well, higher … in mind, The Big Secret is… (CLEARS THROAT THEATRICALLY) The Big Secret is…

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Good Angels, Bad Angels


I’ve installed a PC on Norton Street. It’s equipped with a 17″ monitor and Creative speaker Bass Reflex system, along with a logitech 3 button mouse that will literally last forever. As you see, there’s also a set of crystals plugged into an experimental Model 7 SuperBeacon “Beamer”. You’ll also note a Matrix on the left wing of the desk, a bronze Buddha and ceramic candleholder on the right, and two new bookshelves offering entry into hundreds more Orbs than before, actually 1100 of them, newly made here on Urth this time around.

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Dragon Yer Ass

Well, I finally took a little time to finish this 2011 offering which up ’til now has been available only as a beta download. It’s nothing special, except for speed-decisions, directional timing, instant navigation and evaluation of threat, clearing obstruction to forward motion, and other equally vital issues in the Between-Lives State. Dragon hunting? Think of it as a training regimen, not a way of life. Just ease up the tension in the sphincter just a little, and enjoy this medieval romp through a fantasy land that really exists Out There…Somewhere — perhaps in your near future??? (In a thick, Eastern European sort of “Cloris Leachman Voice of Doom” tone) Over ze rainbow, per-haps? The Dragon 3D game is not a prosperity path orb. It is six hard-ass levels of the fastest kick-butt Dragon Slaying you’ll ever get hold of, and it will be available on in about a week, if all goes well.

Magic Find is Magic Find is Magic Find

What’s in a name? More than just a rose, you can be sure, when it’s a Magic Find Drop somewhere in Hell. The thing is, when an item drops in Hell, and you ID it with the ALT, you IMMEDIATELY know what its value is, either in usage or for trade or sale. So why don’t you see coins in the same way? Coinology teaches you to see the drops as they fall.

See You At The Top!!!


What Happened to the Instructions???

When you travel through WarfTown now, you might or might not see screen-prompts telling you where to go and what to do next. The primary reason for this is that the Adventure Class Orbs are now fully outfitted for qualified Certified Coaches, and they’ll be using a reference chart. The chart itself is no secret. The coaches have LIVE ACTION admin control over what happens in the Orb when coaching.

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Beam Me Up!!!

Want to live in a higher plane? Here’s a chance to get high and stay high. Instead of wishing for it in a futile manner, how about actually taking an action step to make it happen? Use my Orb “Beam Me Up!!!” to get yourself transported to a higher dimension. Sure, they all look exactly alike, but they aren’t. See for yourself how much better it is At The Top!!! Of course, you slide downscale after the Beam Initialization, but you can always beam up again!

See You At The Top!!!
