He Wants to Kill Us All

Now do you see the resemblance? That’s Mussolini on the left.

It’s the same guy. He’s taken rebirth and he’s back again, to kill us all with insane glee. He’s dancing while Rome burns. He really wants to kill us all, and get away with it.

Killing one man on Fifth Avenue will no longer satisfy him.

He wants to make “do nothing” the national policy on covid, and he’s doing just that. Everyone who dies is contributing to the great nation of Trumpland.

On election eve, Trump is planning to activate the National Guard while invoking the Uprising Act, just as Hitler did and, just as Hitler made his move the night before election, Trump’s plan is to declare himself the winner, and invoke the Uprising Act to cover himself, and to destroy any opposition.

The Poll-Watchers will be heavily armed former military commandos, and the idea is to scare the Hell out of anyone who comes around there looking even slightly off-white.

He’s counting on his personal army — his street militia — to keep him in power, and they’re ready to go to war for him, to re-fight the Civil War, and to re-instate slavery as a way of Amerikan life.

Yes, slavery. No bullshit, and I’m NOT making this up or being in any way hysterical.

I mean Actual Slavery. Keeping slaves is an accepted theory of business, and a slave-based economy and slave-holding business practices are in use and are accepted in many countries around the world, including — now — Washington, D.C., the new capitol of the New World Order, the Slave-State of Trumpland. Continue reading

Game Over

Trump gives himself plenty of permission to express rage, like Hitler did.


Here are Trump’s actual words FROM LAST NIGHT: “There won’t be any transition of power, just a continuation  of power. We’ll just throw out the ballots.”

In uttering that phrase, he instantly stole the election. It’s done. It’s over. Period. Continue reading