Happy Safe Harbor Day, America!

In the old days at Fort Ord, when I was just a corporal, photo right.

Happy Safe Harbor Day, December 8, 2020 — this is the day where all the electoral votes are locked in, protected from attacks in Congress. At this moment, all of the states except Wisconsin will be safe as of today.

This would be fine, except that Rep. Moe Brooks, an asshole if ever there was one, has decided to challenge Biden’s electoral votes and elect the loser.

Both chambers would debate the issue, and then there’d be a vote, and it could very well overturn the entire electoral process.

So, once again, it is shown that the American Electoral Process is weak enough that a single person acting alone can bring the whole thing down, as did Emily Murphy.

And then there’s the truly stupid and amazingly unethical former mayor of New York City, who was an asshole then, and he’s no less an asshole now. Continue reading