This is the Way!

This is the only item I’m going to put up today — it features one of my newest series of thumbnail buttons that were created in the Godd™ Editor & Engine, and shows clearly that YOU — yes, even you — could create whole worlds and go into them and take a selfie or a slofie in there and put it up on youtube and DO something with it!

If you’re not up to that task, you can go into any Orb and press the “F4” button and take a snapper — it will go into the godd/snaps folder, most probably, but you’ll eventually find it. You can redirect your snappers to another drive if you need more room.

These Orbs are the ultimate Executive Escape Hatch for those busy, miserable work days at the office — just plug yourself in, and go about your work. Your energy will improve, your state will improve and your general well-being will definitely go on the upswing.

See You At The Top!!!
