Take it and Stuff It!!!

You heard me, take it and stuff it. What that means is, create a living virtual world and stuff it into a wearable item, such as a pendant, keychain or wallet card, then carry it around with you — it’s working all of theĀ  time.

You can stuff absolutely anything in there in virtual world format — this means that you can create not only objects, but action cycles and events, and have them continuously perform throughout the day and night.

Your Avatar is always in there, and you’re always in contact with it. The results of your virtual world spill over into the actual world in which you currently have your habitation — you know — where you live.

So I’ve created software which includes not only the TEXT and COMPLETE COLOR GRAPHICS of the ABD and related books and talks and videos, but within that system you’ll be able to actually walk through the Bardos day by day, getting my readings of the appropriate passages for those regions. Continue reading