Why Not Do Norton LIVE?


Here’s just a bunch of us geezers workin’ out onstage with the Norton Street script, which YOU could have in your own hot sweaty palms just by downloading the script plus permissions  to perform which you fill out, sign in blood and send in. Okay, the blood is a little exaggerated, actually you sign in electrons.

Dammit, once again I’m up against it for time, but I’ve worked on hundreds of videos on youtube overnight, and hope that you can keep up with it all. Try hooking into a long playlist and set it going while you’re at work, then “like” and “comment” and “share” as you are able and have the time.

Don’t forget — tomorrow morning starts off the VIRTUAL MAGIC CON at 6:30 am! I will have a whole lot of great stuff for you, and don’t let money stand in the way — if you’re not flush right now, you can get a workout scholarship and do the work at home! What’s more, I think you’ll enjoy and appreciate the work I offer in exchange!

See You At The Top!!!
