Dream Lucid Trainers


Please allow me to introduce my newest BLUE LINE invention — the DREAM LUCID TRAINER, a series of virtual dreamscapes that you can use to learn to awaken within the dream.

Of course, that implies that you are still IN the dream. If you merely wake up from a nap, that isn’t the same as WAKING UP INSIDE THE DREAM, see?

By the way, if you can wake up INSIDE THE DREAM, you can also probably experience and remember ASTRAL TRAVEL, and while you’re at it, you can use the dreamscape method to revisit past lives, future lives and the Akashic Record, in which is written absolutely everything that ever seems to happen — SEEMS to happen is the best I’ve ever managed in the Reality Department — and if you’re looking to expand your boundaries, and get into a higher realm right now today, this is your ticket to freedom.

So if you’re ever going to wake up inside ANY dream on any level, whether it’s a naptime dream or a sitting, standing walking dream, or you manage to pierce the shell of illusion, it’s going to be WHILE YOU’RE DREAMING.

And hey, one thing you know about lucid dreaming is THAT YOU’RE DREAMING.

That singular fact is very important. Only when you’re dreaming can you dream lucidly or otherwise.

You might not exactly understand, grasp or grok what “lucid” really means, to what it might refer, or how lucid it’s supposed to get, but when you’re dreaming, one thing is certain — you’re dreaming.

That’s what opens the door for you. When you’re lucid dreaming, you’re in the part of your sleep cycle where you’re likeliest to actually be out of body, and that would be just one kind of dream — a flying dream. Continue reading