What War?

Actual screenshot from my new 3D Shooter, “Shutin Putin”.

That’s right, you heard me rightly … “What war?”

I’m not buying it. I respawned in 1941, we’re fighting a world war in Europe and another one in the Pacific, and it went on for years, and then the Korean war started right after that.

People who can’t get along are not going to survive the asteroidal impact in 2026 — there’s barely enough time to act now, and by the time they do, the technology won’t be there to handle it.

I have a one dollar bet on it back home in the 37th century. Not SIM dollars, a real Federation Dollar, and that means I can finally go on that dream vacation I’ve always wanted to go on, but I haven’t been able to dream up any destinations, so here I still am.

Yep, I’m still here, 80 years later, carving coins and painting flips and stringing ancient beads into modern fancy necklaces, because war or not, we have to make a living. Continue reading