Branding Your Ass!

Yep, you got it right — the way to identify yourself in the marketplace is to take a red-hot branding iron with YOUR NAME on it and stamp it on your right buttock. That’s the best wa to brand yourself, and make it stick.

All these millenia I had it wrong — our band’s name is not FAXL, never was FAXL — it’s always been “Your Name Here” and don’t forget it! Seriously, we probably should rename the band “Brane-Power” just because once you grok the name, the target’s reached. In short the brand name is the destination thought-form.

If you want to understand what this all means and how it works and why it works and whether or not YOU can make it work, come to a workshop now and then, and ask on the chat about branding yourself.

It sounds terribly brash and unhealthily aggressive, and you’re absolutely right, it is, but that’s the method of choice in Trump World, where aggressive behavior is richly rewarded. Just kidding, take it easy on the locals — they need their sleep.

Speaking of sleep, these exercises given in the videos I’m posting this morning will help you greatly in a number of ways, not the least of which is making a few extra bucks on the side. A side-hustle or street-gig can help in a financial crunch, even the kind that’s just around the next corner…

Those side-hustles can quickly take the place of a failed employment picture, and you should already have it in your bones how to make a living in a weird set of circumstances like zombie holocausts and political uprisings led by pre-teens against the very old, meaning anyone over the age of 30 — the apocalyptic sci-fi novels about the children’s rebellion were quite correct, albeit a few years too early to make easy predictions.

So if you’re in any of the above photos, I’ve been saving them up for years, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to put them to work finding candidates for the Work, and that’s what they’re doing now, so let’s do MORE of them and get them working for us as well!

What are “Binaural Beats”? They’re a marketing gimmick, but they DO have their factual reality — they were once called “BFO – Beat Frequency Oscillation”, resulting in “nulling” and other active measures used by ham radio operators through the past century or so, and I still use the technology to achieve our great CQR results!

Golly, here it is breakfast time again, must dash!

See You At The Top!!!
