Prediction for Today

I have a prediction for today, Wednesday the 13th of October, 2021. I predict that there will be a major revelation, a veritably “breaking news” newscast, sometime in today’s news cycle.

Trump doesn’t have to be President for this to happen anymore. Actually, there are some tiny granular news items that will soon be of major impact, but not for us.

You should take note of the situation in retail stores, where the stores are forced to close due to nonstop open theft. This open vandalism and looting will continue as long as the country slides down into lawlessness, which it already has to some degree, but it’s not as bad as it’s going to yet — I’ve seen all this before and I know how it comes out, and you’re not going to like it.

Therefore, upon much reflection, I have decided to re-issue an updated MODELS version of “Exploding Lips”, which earned some 3 million downloads a decade ago, and it has a much greater potential now.

I think it can be a major player, but it needs a powerful amount of promotion, up to which, I’m not. I’m just a levels designer, not a marketing genius.

Even so, by fluke alone, it might manage to break into the top ranks of video games for this gifting season, so I’m on donkeyback, headed full-tilt toward that particular windmill called “video game land”, with lowered lance and visor.

In short, I’m a day away from releasing it, except for a few details, including the fact that I haven’t worked out the exploding part yet, and haven’t written the levels for the game, although in that case, I’ll probably use the one I’ve just issued as an expansion set, but I will definitely expand it and change it significantly before putting it out as a new game.

That includes textures, of course. Those have the greatest visual impact, along with the lighting, which can transform a scene from blissful to downright broodingly evil and back again.

Now, I’m doing all this in spite of the fact that the entire planet has gone down the rabbit-hole of political madness, which translates to mob fear, generated by the usual idiots.

People don’t know what to do, so when someone comes along who says they do, they tend to fold themselves into the mob of followers, and of course eventually go off the cliff.

What did you expect?

The aliens don’t have to fire a shot in order to invade Planet Earth. They can sit back and take a cup of boiling hot tea and relax, while the biped assholes slash the hell out of the place for them, leaving a smoking heap, upon which they can build a first-class mining operation without the messy organic life piled up all around the entrances to the mines.

What are they mining?

Why, COAL, of course, what else? On other planets, they’ve learned to turn coal into a delicious organic food that gives eternal life, health and youthful energy.

I myself have partaken of that coal-food of Planet 9, and can verify that it does have that “Fountain of Youth” effect for several hours. I definitely felt it, especially the eternal life.

So while all this political nonsense is going on, you have time to learn to be a God, at least in your own meta-universe on the Silicon Plane, via the engine and editor of the GoDD™ Games System.

I’m waiting to see you turn your godd games into serious art projects, and it won’t be long before you’ll have your very own virtual sculptures out there for the world to see!

I also encourage you to put your own fiber art beadwork on etsy. Not sure how well coins work on etsy, but on ebay they definitely go pretty fast, especially small groups or collections.

Don’t forget to tell folks about my super-miniature hard-to-make but dainty and precious little amulets in some different configs.

See You At The Top!!!
