Don’t Just Be a God, Act Like One!

It’s not enough to just sit on a hard silt ground inside some lonesome deserted cave high up in the Himalaya Mountains and self-realize the hell out of yourself and finally come to terms with the fact that if there’s only One Being in the universe, you are clearly it.

This game of “tag” is not enough.

So grab hold of the universe-maker, the GoDD™ Engine & Editor, and make a world, fully realizing that you need to find out what it feels like to be a Private before you can be a General.

Make a world, go inside it, see what happens, leave the world, figure out what to do with the map and .ini file and go back into the world and see if it made a difference.

You’re on your own, alone, just the way it will be when you go HOME once again.

If it’s not enough to have virtual friends, you need to readjust your thinking, because the basic fact of the one-ness of it all will not change, no matter how hard you bang on the tea kettle and pound on the table.

You’re lucky you can pound on anything. Count yourself fortunate that you have any environment at all. Try pounding on a table when everything is filled with stars.

So be content that you have hands, a computer screen and a keyboard & mouse with which to play at making a universe.

Not a lot of universes, just one, please, at the moment.

Make a room, not too large, about 8 units both ways on the 128 grid. If you don’t dig what I’m laying down, get thee to a nunnery, meaning one of our zoom meetings every morning at 6:30 am Pacific Time.

Of course, when the coastline is gone, we’ll calculate it differently.

So now you want to make a “Self”, an Avatar, so you plug in the first Object, go to View to get the viewpoint settled in, return to Objects and put in an OSOUL.

Without the Soul, the Avatar is nothing.

Now you can SAVE and LOAD and SEE what happened, what you’ve got. So far, so good, but there’s more to a world than just a single room. Let’s put in a box and see what happens.

So you learn how to make an RBOX instead of a NO_NAME kind of domain. There are two kinds of buildings — rooms and boxes — and you’d best learn quickly the difference.

There are a thousand things to learn, but they are best learned one at a time, as the subject comes up, until you’re making entire multi-level worlds like the enormous world that’s contained in the Godd™ Particle, about 4 hours of walking, and that’s if you know where you’re going.

A newcomer into the Godd Particle environment might take a week to go through most of the attractions, and then have to be told about a few that are not obvious.

This is part of the design — it causes communication and helping, and that’s the point. The Godd environment is a solo environment, although you can hard-wire in some friends here and there, but you learn how to detect and use the actual communication pathways that are featured in high spiritual teachings.

Don’t ask which one — Many brands are marketed, but there is only One Maker.

So get into the Godd environment and learn how to be a God of a Universe — there are worse jobs, so be happy.

You can use the game-maker to create games of social justice, if you like — me, I prefer making games of consequence, like Exploding Lips.

Now, that’s a game!

See You At The Top!!!
