Exploding Lips Non-Violent???

I’ve sent out the unedited final proof of Exploding Lips, and now it’s up to the testers to determine if it’s ready for prime-time — I think it is, but they’ll tell me if there’s anything profoundly out in either the Orb or the .ini file. My bet is that we’ll have a DEMO within a few days, and a release soon after that.

My plan is to make Exploding Lips a full release, meaning that it downloads from payloads and is listed on Steam under “goddgames” of course, being a shooter. Continue reading

Don’t Just Be a God, Act Like One!

It’s not enough to just sit on a hard silt ground inside some lonesome deserted cave high up in the Himalaya Mountains and self-realize the hell out of yourself and finally come to terms with the fact that if there’s only One Being in the universe, you are clearly it.

This game of “tag” is not enough. Continue reading