You Need to Know This

These paper plates can be mounted in deep frames to look like ceramics.

If you’re a stock clerk or on floor sales or you’re a buyer or an assistant buyer, it’s important — vital, actually — that you should be more or less constantly aware of ALL the currently stored and shelved merchandise, and I mean the ENTIRE line of merchandise.

Of course, in this age of automation and e-gadgets, nobody does that anymore. You simply enter the code or name or description of the thing, and you get a spread-sheet with all the particulars delivered right to your micro-screen on your Precious — I refer to your ever-clutched cellphone — what else could I mean?

The thing is, the computer can only give you what you asked for. In some specialized applications, it can anticipate what you might be asking for, and even guess wildly in unfettered speculation about what you might have meant by what you actually said.

I say “said”, because very soon now, typing will pretty much be replaced by talking — voice commands will be simplified and codified, and nobody will want to take initiative anyway, in a militarized society like what we’re in for next.

When I worked at Hammacher-Schlemmer’s back in 1959, you started as a stock clerk, then went to floor sales and finally into assistant buyer and maybe even buyer, and as you worked your way up the promotion line, you also acquired a more and more complete sense of the entire stock you have for sale, both in storage and on the sales floor.

It was something you did naturally, and it made it easier to suggest something to a customer, something that made sense and took into account all the merchandise available to satisfy the customer’s need.

So if you’re selling silverware — real silverware — you’re aware not only of the patterns you have in stock, but you’re also aware of those on sale, those that are discontinued and those that require a special order fulfillment ticket and, of course, some shipping.

If you worked in a complicated department, your “what’s in stock” memory field will be somewhat encyclopedic, and if it’s just one perfume, you’ve either just been hired for your first job, or you’re so good at selling perfume that they keep you there 24/7/365, which is what most sales clerks used to face, with no breaks, even for Christmas.

Yep, it was Hell, then. It’s much easier to schedule your holiday fun when you work at home, and it saves on gas, too, not to mention restaurants, tips and those small hidden expenses that happen all day long but don’t impact your wallet until you see the monthly bills.

In short, you’re doomed, but only if you’re here in 2022, where all the action happens. So as long as you’re doomed anyway, why not make a struggle of it?

I have over 3,000 merch items for sale online — maybe more — and they’re all there for YOU to use in your work efforts!

First of all, there’s the art. I’m a well-known national artist with my art in the White House, at the National Gallery, and in the collections of several heads-of-state, and what’s more, I have an established auction record and major sales documentation.

In short, there’s a way that you can set yourself up as a dealer and sell my important works in the tens of thousands of dollars, and you get a monster share of that!

I have easier ways to make a living, but none of those ways includes you and your work the way that my artwork and craft items can, because I’ve embued them by working on them, and the images are projective of higher work waves and frequencies.

You can also sell the music, the books, the spoken word books, the DVDs and more, and there’s the movements, from which everybody gets benefit, and there are so many different zazzle and redbubble items as well as hand-crafted jewelry from my work bench.

Gosh, there are so many ways to work, and at least one of those paths can be modeled to fit your work to perfection, and one way to get started is to build the KunstMatrix exhibitions that I suggest at each of our forthcoming workshops, the next of which will be over Hallowe’en weekend, so stay tuned for further details, or find out about it by asking at today’s morning zoom meeting, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, find out by asking about that today.

Asking is a good work-tool, highly recommended by all the Holders of Ancient Wisdom — or is it “Ancient Holders of Wisdom”? Sure, that’s the way it has to be. Ancient Aliens, Ancient Wiseguys, Ancient Art & Crafts, and that’s the point exactly.

And by the way, I can make wondrous goodies from very rare spiritual items that themselves cannot be sold or traded, but the image can be used on crafted items and articles of clothing.

Want to start a fashion boutique? I have the fashions ready to go, in seasonal drops, organized for the next ten years — if you want to go that route, it will cost you about $36,000 for the first year’s expenses, plus the cost of the fashions and photography.

If you model them, you can get away with a few thousand dollars as a startup boutique, but you won’t have the entire line, just the highlights and best-sellers, which is fine, if you’re just starting out.

If you have a following online, it doesn’t need to cost you a cent — everything can be done from your mouse and keyboard — or sliding thumbs, if you’re a youngster.

I can set up a million-dollar fashion line without spending a penny of anybody’s money including my own.

Of course, I have to pay, and I do — in time and effort and energy.

I can set up a food-related merchandise line — everything from chocolate and coffee and tea to the likes of fancy aprons, special wine stoppers and brownies, actual baked brownies.

Books your thing? I have over 10,000 books, some rare, some not, and some — not all — are for sale CHEAP, priced so they can be successfully and continuously sold online.

It’s not enough to make a sale. You need to grind out those sales every single day, and that takes work, plenty of it, and solid, dependable persistence.

Yes, persistence is the key.

I’m happy to work with you to help you set up your very own entrepreneurial workstation, but I can’t speak for you, you have to speak up for yourself.

There’s nobody who can’t do this, with the proper training, and the training is the key to work efforts that you can’t make any other way.

See You At The Top!!!
