Social Media Exploitation

This video has garnered 259,000 views, a quarter of a MILLION people have seen it! It’s a simple gimmick — use a joke as your script, and get the machine voice to tell the story!

I was looking for a word that means more or less the same thing as “weaponizing”, but I didn’t want to militarize the idea or to make it violent, because it’s not, it’s just simply exploiting, obsessively looking for openings, weaknesses, sensitivities.

I had other words for “exploitation”, but none of them were acceptable in modern language, what with all the “weaponizing” and such going on, but “exploitation” seems to fit the bill all right — it means to take advantage, to be opportunistic in the extreme, and that’s exactly what’s intended here.

If you’re taking my social media marketing course for the first time — and many folks repeat it just to catch the extras, because the course is very concentrated — you need to know that the heart of all marketing is reaching new faces every day.

That task is not all that easy in today’s corrupted communications world. By “corrupted” I mean all the slash and burn advertisements that pop into your face as you browse or study a page online.

The continual onslaught of commercial chatter into your private thinking space makes real thought impossible, and distraction the order of the day. Continue reading