5 Easiest Work From Home Jobs

Welcome to the world of Frank & Wilbur Covid. It’s the new normal, and the new reality is that you’ll wear a face masks for the rest of your life, and if you’ve just come into the world, you’ll never know what it was like to not wear a mask.

At the moment, without a safety net of any kind, with a government under the control of a three year old crybaby rightly named “Mashed Potato-Head Donnie”, your future is very uncertain.

Anyone with an ounce of sense and a moderate amount of calmness can stay home more or less permanently for the next few months or so, and working from home is the way to make that a workable solution.

“Stay at Home” is the operant phrase here, and that means finding some way to make a living while never leaving the house. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 10

Plan for a “Hobo Nickel” engraving design over a BU 1927 Philadelphia Silver Dollar

I’ve made hundreds of “Hobo Nickel” engravings on a variety of out-of-circulation coins, and most of them are skulls, for one important reason — to remind everyone that even the king has an end of life.

Nobody escapes the Reaper, who isn’t actually grim. As a matter of fact, he’s downright jolly, but who would fear The Jolly Reaper?

Back in 1969, Jim Morrison, who used to come into the shop just about every day at that time — it was in a dark, black-painted and blacklight illuminated “Head Shop” called “Psychedelic Supermarket”, and that’s exactly what it was, and I had a tiny 10’x10′ booth directly across from “Famous Gene” LP warehouse.

Today, you couldn’t run that shop, with swarms of teens swirling through it like a flowing mass of soap suds in a Jack Oakie comedy of the 1930’s.

So one day Jim comes in as usual, he’s in the middle of reading my hardbound copy of Siddhartha — he wouldn’t dream of buying a book, but he devoured Hesse like some kids go for ice cream and pizza.

Not a bad combo, I’ll consider making it in my virtual restaurant, the only kind of food service I’d run today, as you’ll note from my FULLY FUNCTIONING “Michele de Paris Pizza Parlor” just outside the Temple in our Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram currently housed in Second Life, an online experiential digital world. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 4

You want sports in a no-contact world? Nothing could be simpler or safer than a virtual stadium, and that’s what I’m building right now in our WORLDWIDE Virtual Ashram, where anyone from anywhere can join us in our celebrations!

Little Jenny here is examining one of the bigger and more difficult performance venues — it’s the Ultimate Concert Stage which can be reached by “Green Globe” travel, just outside the Temple.

Jenny is a great judge of spaces, and she heartily approves the sports colosseum I’m working to build up in the Roman area — what better place to hold a sports event than in the Colosseum or one of the gaming stadia in the wealthier homes.

I have one of those, plus a grand sports colossus for auto and motorcycle racing.

You’d be well-served if I also mentioned that the motorcycle rezzer is now installed and you can use it anywhere — it poofs when you get off the bike.

Jenny is very fond of concerts — what young spirit guide isn’t? — and we’re planning a worldwide folk festival to be held in the ashram, with a limited public attendance due to the limitation on the number of Avatars we can have in-game, which is maximum 100, as I’ve mentioned before. Continue reading