NYT: “Godd™ Particle Success Story”

you can order this full-color tearsheet from Marvette — call for details.

This is a success story we need to get in place, quickly, before it’s really too late. We will need to work hard to get Godd™ Particles out there, while we still can.

There are dozens of reasons why we will be stopped from production and shipping, such as truck strikes, Chinese export stoppage, rate hikes and religious clampdown on non-Christian and “subversive” publications and artifacts.

It is an age of intolerance. Better batten down the hatches, and the only way YOU can do that at this late date, with NO resources and NO hope of escape from the trap of daily grind, is to WEAR, SELL, and PROMOTE Godd™ Particles hand-over-fist, meaning “sell a LOT of them FAST!”

How many? How fast?

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Elements of Quantum Magic — PART TWO

Sometimes you can’t tell if you’re coming or going in the quantum world.

Making your Orb Run more powerful can be accomplished by the simple process of making an exact copy of the item or action in your mind.

COPY THAT — It’s as simple as that.

In the GODD® Engine, it’s accomplished by simple AGREEMENT that you actually did pick up the item, or use the item, or do the action as described by your in-game guide and the text message on the upper left of your video screen.

The whole idea is to MAKE IT REAL FOR YOURSELF.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the details you’ll encounter when running an Orb. Continue reading

Elements of Quantum Magic PART ONE

Chen-Rig IV Temple, built in the GODD® Game Engine, but it’s not a game.

Let’s start with the basics. You’re feeling pain right now, present-life pain — it can be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual or other, but no matter what the immediate cause, there is pain right now.

Well, naturally, the body goes through its medicine cabinet of repair options, but did you realize that the Essential Self, the Being, also goes through the same procedure?

What the Being does is, it brings forward to present time ALL PAST CASES of that same pain, or a similar pain or a pain that isn’t similar but it happened in the same place, such as the small of the back, or the side on which you always seem to sleep.

So with all the present-time pain, there is added ALL the past life pain that you happened to accumulate along your never-ending journey among the native organic population.

Well, now, you’re expecting to use Quantum Magic to get rid of all that extra baggage, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do, step by step. Continue reading

Make Things Go Right with Quantum Magic

Make Things Go Right with Quantum Magic

Wishing Candle & Power Base work well with the Influence Deck & Orbs.

It’s easy if you try. Imagine spending 15 or 20 years learning the various aspects of magical invocation — everything from visualization to thought-form handling and everything in between.

With my Orbs, you don’t need to achieve any special skills.

Just conjure up the Orb on the screen, and start running. The Orb takes care of all the rest — but what are you trying to accomplish? Continue reading